Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP)
About This Program
Target Population: Children/Adolescents ages 5-17 who reside in therapeutic or residential placement facilitated by child welfare and have an Axis I diagnosis (i.e., a clinical disorder(s), including major mental disorders, learning disorders, and substance use disorders) and their parent(s)/caregiver(s)
For children/adolescents ages: 5 – 17
For parents/caregivers of children ages: 5 – 17
Program Overview
CRP provides home- and community-based services to help children/adolescents with mental health challenges transition back to the community from out-of-home placements, such as residential treatment centers (RTCs), hospitals, foster homes, and shelters.
CRP utilizes the Wraparound process, which builds on families' inherent strengths to care for youth with complex needs. Each youth/family is assigned to a Care Coordinator, whose role is to empower the youth and family–to set their own goals, decide how to meet them, and access/advocate for necessary support.
Program Goals
The goal of the CPS Reintegration Project (CRP) is:
- Reduce the number of children/adolescents involved in the child welfare system due to their mental health needs by exiting children/adolescents from licensed care and reintegrating with caregivers in their home community
Logic Model
The program representative did not provide information about a Logic Model for Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP).
Essential Components
The essential components of Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP) include:
- Care Coordination staff that is trained in the System of Care values and the Wraparound process and is able to develop and collaboratively run a Child and Family Team.
- Project adheres to the System of Care values and utilizes the Wraparound process in working with children/adolescents and families
- Parent/Caregiver and Child/Adolescent are seen as essential partners in planning, service selection/utilization, and length of service provision
- Project effectively collaborates with CPS and other legal parties through monthly staffing and team meetings
- Distinct Phases of Service
- Referral - Referrals 3 to 6 months before planned reintegration
- Screening - Project and family determine enrollment which takes 30 to 45 days
- Pre-Reintegration Planning - Wraparound plan of care and Crisis/Safety plan
- Reintegration - 6 months ongoing CPS involvement
- Ongoing Support - 6 months of support post-CPS involvement
- Case Closure - Family fully transitioned to community supports
- Parent Engagement and Self-Advocacy (PESA) is an opportunity for parents, foster parents, caregivers, and caseworkers to learn about how the child welfare system impacts the child, the parent/caregiver, and the family. It is 5 sessions and covers these specific topics
- Child/Adolescent Development and Mental Health
- Child Welfare System
- School System
- Communication and Organizational skills
- Advocacy
- Flexible Funding that allows the project to fund services and supports that are not covered by insurance such as: crisis respite, mentoring, parent coaching, behavioral aide, non-traditional therapies (music, art, recreational). Additionally, the funds can be used to cover basic need costs incurred by the families such as rent, utilities, clothing, and furniture.
- The Clinical Manager (TCM) Integrated software system that allows the project to data enter clinical information, demographics, and billing authorizations.
- Children/Adolescents served by this project have a significant mental or behavioral health challenge that required placement in a specialized setting such as a residential treatment center.
- The caregivers served by this project are any individuals recommended and approved by CPS who is willing to accept the child/adolescent into their home. This includes the child/adolescent’s biological parent(s) – even if parental rights have been terminated; biological kin; fictive kin; and postadoptive parents (individuals whose adoption of the child/adolescent has been consummated, but due to mental health needs the child/adolescent was returned to foster care to receive intensive mental health services).
- The focus for caregivers is on education, home environment, advocacy, and skill development. Based on areas of focus identified by the parent/caregiver, individualized services are provided such as parent coaching, individual/family therapy.
Program Delivery
Child/Adolescent Services
Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP) directly provides services to children/adolescents and addresses the following:
- Child/adolescent presents with an Axis I diagnosis; behavioral challenges; removal by child welfare; placement in a therapeutic or residential setting based on their mental health needs and behavioral challenges
Parent/Caregiver Services
Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP) directly provides services to parents/caregivers and addresses the following:
- Parent/Caregiver's limited capacity to parent a child/adolescent with special behavioral and mental health challenges
Services Involve Family/Support Structures:
This program involves the family or other support systems in the individual's treatment: The coordinator takes the parent/caregiver through strength and needs assessments and identifies family resources to support the reintegration. The program encourages other family/fictive kin members to become part of the Child and Family Team and to work with the parent/caregiver and child/adolescent to make the reintegration successful. Other members of the household, or immediate family, can receive services and supports through the program to provide a holistic intervention.
Recommended Intensity:
Contact depends on the phase of service: The Screening phase lasts for 30 days and is generally 3 face-to-face visits with the parent/caregiver and 1-2 face to face visits with the child/adolescent. The length of time varies from 1 to 3 hours. The Pre-Integration Planning phase is two Child and Family Team Meetings; 1 contact with the child; and numerous telephone calls and e-mails to collaborate with team members. The Reintegration phase varies from weekly to twice-a-month contact depending on the length of time a child/adolescent has been residing in the home. There are also weekly phone calls, e-mails, and meetings with school personnel. The Ongoing phase varies in contact from twice-a-month to once-a-month depending on the level of need and functioning of the family.
Recommended Duration:
The program serves the family until the child/adolescent has stabilized in the community and has dependable supports and services. The total length of service is on average 16 months (1 month screening; 3 months planning for reintegration; 6 months in home with open CPS case; 6 months in-home with CPS case closed.)
Delivery Settings
This program is typically conducted in a(n):
- Adoptive Home
- Birth Family Home
This program does not include a homework component.
Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP) has materials available in a language other than English:
For information on which materials are available in this language, please check on the program's website or contact the program representative (contact information is listed at the bottom of this page).
Resources Needed to Run Program
The typical resources for implementing the program are:
- 2 Care Coordination Staff members
- Clinical Supervisor
- Location to maintain confidential files
- Software program to maintain case notes, demographics, diagnostic
- Laptop computers
- Cell phones
- Flexible funding for basic needs, traditional and non-traditional services
Manuals and Training
Prerequisite/Minimum Provider Qualifications
- Trained in System of Care Values and the Wraparound Process
- Degree in Social Work, Psychology or in a related field (Bachelor degree with over 5 years of experience and/or Master degree with 2 years of experience)
- Experience with child/adolescent mental health
- Experience with child welfare system
- Supervisor must have experience in the above areas with a preferred Master Degree in behavioral science field
Manual Information
There is a manual that describes how to deliver this program.
Training Information
There is training available for this program.
Training Contact:
- Laura Peveto, BSW
Travis County Health and Human Services
phone: (512) 854-7874
Training Type/Location:
Onsite in Austin, Texas; the following materials are included in the training: Brochure, Caregiver Guide, Youth Guide, Policy and Procedure Manual, Referral Form, and Enrollment Form
Number of days/hours:
3 days
Relevant Published, Peer-Reviewed Research
There are currently no published, peer-reviewed research studies on outcomes with the appropriate target population for the topic area(s) in which Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP) has been reviewed.
Additional References
Madden, E. E., Maher, E. J., McRoy, R. G., Ward, K. J., Peveto, L., & Stanley, A. (2012). Family reunification of youth in foster care with complex mental health needs: Barriers and recommendations. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 29, 221–240.
Travis County Reintegration Project: Permanency outcomes for youth with complex mental health needs served by the Child Protective Services Reintegration Project in Travis County, Texas. This webpage has links to 2 evaluations of this project.
Ward, K. J., Maher, E., & Smith, A. (2010). A program model for reunifying youth residing in therapeutic group care settings to help them achieve permanency. Focus, 16(2), 10.
Contact Information
- Laura Peveto, BSW
- Agency/Affiliation: Travis County Health and Human Services
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (512) 854-7874
- Fax: (512) 854-5879
Date Research Evidence Last Reviewed by CEBC: November 2023
Date Program Content Last Reviewed by Program Staff: May 2012
Date Program Originally Loaded onto CEBC: May 2012