Alphabetical List of Programs
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2–12
Parents, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and other caretakers working with children
24/7 Dad®
Fathers with children age 18 or younger; designed for custodial and noncustodial fathers with instructions on how to deliver it most ...
3-5-7 Model®
Young people and parents (biological, foster, kinship, and adoptive) receiving services in the child welfare system
30 Days to Family®
Children ages 0-17 who have just entered or re-entered foster care and their families
ABC's Nurturing Program for Parents and their Children 5 to 8
Parents and their children ages 5 to 8 who are entering kindergarten and early elementary school
ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents
Parents of children and adolescents, aged 9 to 14 years old
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Adults with depression; has also been used with adults with a variety of other mental health disorders and behavioral problems
Across Ages – non-responder
Youth ages 9 to 13 who are at a high-risk for substance abuse
ACT Raising Safe Kids
Parents and caregivers (e.g., grandparents and other relatives raising young children, foster parents, and adoptive parents) of children birth ...
9 to 14-year olds who are depressed.
Active Parenting 4th Edition [Active Parenting Now]
Parents and caregivers of children ages 5 to 12
Active Parenting of Teens
Parents and caregivers of preteens and teens ages 10 to 17 with a wide range of problems including oppositional behavior, poor self-esteem, ...
Active Parenting of Teens: Families in Action
Parents and caregivers of youth ages 12-14
Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA)
Adolescents aged 12 to 25 with substance abuse issues
Adolescent Coping With Depression Course (CWD-A)
High school aged (13-19) adolescents with depression
Adolescent Parenting Program (APP)
First-time pregnant and parenting youth aged 12 to 19 years old, and who must be enrolled in school or a GED-completion program ...
Adolescent-Focused Family Behavior Therapy (Adolescent FBT)
Youth (11-17) with drug abuse and dependence, as well as other co-existing problems
Adult-Focused Family Behavior Therapy (Adult-Focused FBT)
Adults with drug abuse and dependence, as well as other co-existing problems such as depression, family dysfunction, trauma, child maltreatment, ...
AFFIRM Youth [LGBTQQ+ AFFIRMative-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy]
LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, etc.) youth and young adults ages 12-21
Aggression Replacement Training® (ART®)
Aggressive and violent adolescents, 13 to 18 years of age
School-aged children with autism with behaviors of concern and their parents
Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)
Adults who have identified themselves as alcoholics and are trying to maintain sobriety
Alert Program®
Children and adolescents with learning disabilities from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or similar to FASD; and their parents/caregivers [...
All Children – All Families
All Stars Core Program, The The All Stars Core Program
Alternative Behavior Choices (ABC)
Adult men and women who have difficulties managing their anger in their intimate relationships, including individuals who have been court-ordered ...
Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT)[Abuse-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy]
Caregiver and their child between the ages 5 and 17 years whose family struggles with conflict and/or coercion due to parent, ...
Anderson and Anderson Anger Management Curriculum
Adults who need help with managing their anger; program has also been used with adolescents
Another Way…Choosing to Change
Adults referred for intimate partner related violence or anger management issues, either court-ordered (civil or criminal), as well as voluntary ...
Apart of Me
Primarily young people aged 11-25, particularly those experiencing grief due to the loss of a loved one, and their families ...
ARC Reflections
Foster and other resource caregivers for youth age birth-18 years
Arkansas Center for Addictions Research, Education, and Services (Arkansas CARES) – non-responder
Mothers with dual diagnosis of substance abuse and mental health problems
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC)
Caregivers of infants 6 months to 2 years old who have experienced early adversity
Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) [Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)]
Children/adolescents/young adults (0-21 years) who have experienced chronic/complex trauma and their caregiving systems (e.g., primary, resource, ...
Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) [Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent)]
Organizational systems (e.g., residential programs, schools, group homes, hospital settings, etc.) working with and supporting children/adolescents/young adults (0...
Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT)
Adolescents and young adults (12-26) with elevated depression symptoms, clinically diagnosed major depressive disorder, suicidal ideation and behaviors, dispositional anxiety, ...
Availability, Responsiveness, and Continuity (ARC) – non-responder
Child welfare and mental health agencies
AVANCE Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP)
Parents/primary caregivers with children from birth to age three, pregnant women and/or partners of pregnant women, especially those ...
Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression (BATD)
Depressed adults including those with substance abuse problems
Youth aged 6 to 21 years who are currently in or have been in the child welfare system
Best Start
Communities across 5 regions that cover 14 geographic areas in Los Angeles County where low birth rate, low performing schools and poverty ...
Better Futures
Youth and young adults in foster care, including youth with disabilities and/or mental health conditions, who are: 1) in their ...
Beyond Violence (BV)
Women in criminal justice settings (jails, prisons, and community corrections) with histories of anger, aggression and/or violence
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA)
Youth aged 5-18 seeking additional support from a caring adult who guides them through goal-setting activities and relationship building skills ...
Blues Program
Adolescents ages 13-19 with elevated depressive symptoms
Body Project
Adolescent girls 14-18 years
Body Safety Training Workbook (BST)
Children and/or students ages 3-8 years old and their parents and/or teachers
Boot Camp for New Dads® (BCND)
Dads-to-be in the months surrounding their baby’s birth
Botvin LifeSkills Training Middle School Program – non-responder
Bounce Back
Children in elementary school grades Kindergarten through 5th grade (ages 5-11) who have experienced traumatic events
Boys Republic Peer Accountability Model
Adolescents aged 14-18 in need of residential placement, who have fallen into trouble in the community with behavior characterized by ...
Boys Town In-Home Family Services (BT-IHFS)[Boys Town In-Home Family Program]
Families with children ages 0-17 at-risk of out-of-home placement
Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP)
Adult patients suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); developed for police officers, now used for all kinds of patients with ...
Brief Strategic Family Therapy® (BSFT®)
Families with maladaptive interactions resulting in at least one youth aged 6-18 years with externalizing (e.g., substance abuse, delinquency, ...
BrightLife Kids – non-responder
Children 5-12 and parents/caregivers of children 0-12
Building Confidence
Typically developing school-aged children diagnosed with childhood anxiety disorders (6-11 years old) and their families
Building Healthy Children (BHC)
Parents who had their first child prior to 21 years of age, and who are experiencing economic challenges (e.g., eligible ...
C.A.R.E.S. (Coordination, Advocacy, Resources, Education and Support)
Families at high risk for abuse or neglect with children aged 0-17 or a primary caregiver or caregivers of at ...
C.A.T. Project
Calm Harm
Adolescents 13+ years old who are considering self-harm
CARE: Creating Conditions for Change (CARE)[Children and Residential Experiences]
Child care staff, clinical staff, and agency administrators working with 6- to 20-year-old children and youth living in foster, group, ...
Caring Adults 'R' Everywhere (C.A.R.E.)
Youth ages 18-21 who are currently living in out-of-home child welfare placements (e.g., foster care, group homes, residential care)
Caring Dads: Helping Fathers Value Their Children
Fathers (including biological, step, and common-law) who have who have physically abused, emotionally abused, or neglected their children; exposed their ...
All workers in the helping professions who labor in trauma-exposed environments including direct service workers and support staff
Celebrating Families!
Families dealing with, or at high risk for, a multitude of problems: substance use disorders (SUD); multigenerational trauma; and compromised ...
Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) Small Group Model for Adults, The The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) Small Group Model for Adults
Adults who have experienced psychological trauma though it can be used with adults suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, or chronic ...
Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) Small Group Model for Children and Adolescents, The The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) Small Group Model for Children and Adolescents
Children ages 3-18 years who have experienced trauma and, optionally, their caregivers
Century Anger Management Model of Intervention
Adults who have anger control and/or communication problems; can also be used with adolescents
Chicago Parent Program (CPP)
Parents of young children 2-5 years old; may be used with parents/caregivers of children 6-8 years old
Child Advocacy Studies (CAST)
Undergraduate/graduate students and frontline professionals seeking continuing education
Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI)
Children ages 7-18 recently exposed to a potentially traumatic event, or having recently disclosed physical or sexual abuse, and endorsing ...
Child First [Child FIRST, Child FIRST (Child and Family Interagency Resource, Support, and Training)]
Children prenatal to 5 years old and their parents/caregivers who are at risk of or have experienced child abuse, neglect, ...
Child Protective Services Reintegration Project (CRP)
Children/Adolescents ages 5-17 who reside in therapeutic or residential placement facilitated by child welfare and have an Axis I ...
Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit (CWTTT)
Professionals working in the child welfare system
Child-Centered Group Play Therapy (CCGPT)
Children ages 3 to 10 who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioral, and relational problems
Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT)
Children ages 3-10 who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioral and relational problems
Child-Focused Recruitment – Wendy's Wonderful Kids
Children 9-18 years of age that have been freed for adoption or with a plan for adoption with an emphasis ...
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
Children age 0-5, who have experienced a trauma, and their caregivers
Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT)
Parents of children ages 3- 8 with behavioral, emotional, social, or attachment disorders
Childhelp® Speak Up Be Safe (CHSUBS)
Children in grades prekindergarten to 12 (ages 4-18)
Children of the Night – non-responder
Children who have been sexually exploited as prostitutes
Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program: School-age Program
Children (boys and girls ages 6 to 12 years of age) with sexual behavior problems and their caregivers
Children's Aid Society Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program, The (CAS-Carrera)The Children's Aid Society Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program
Students and their families from disadvantaged urban, rural and suburban neighborhoods; youth may come from single-parent homes and reside in ...
Children's Corps
Graduating Bachelor-level students, recent Bachelor- or Master-level graduates, young professionals, career changers, individuals looking to start a career that makes ...
CHOICE Group Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Teens
Youth in middle school who do not use substances or may be starting to use substances, approximately ages 11-14
Circle of Parents®
Parents or individuals in a parenting role for children ages 0-18 years and their children ages birth to 12
Circle of Security Parenting (COSP)
Groups of caregivers (parents, foster/adoptive parents, and early learning providers) of infants, toddlers, and children younger than 6 years old; ...
Circles of Safety®
Youth serving organizations with professionals, paraprofessionals, and all others who work in settings where adults and children and/or adolescents ...
Circles® Curriculum – non-responder
Citrus Helping Adolescents Negatively Impacted by Commercial Exploitation (CHANCE)
Youth 9 through 18 years of age who have serious mental/behavioral health problems, have been identified by a qualified professional as ...
Click Path to Protection – non-responder
Staff at police, children’s services, education, health, legal/judicial, and nongovernmental organizations
CMCA: Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol
Structures, institutions, and existing leaders in communities that desire to reduce underage drinking by youth who are 13-20 years of ...
Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practitioners, The The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practitioners
Child welfare professionals who are interested in issues pertaining to workforce development
Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP)
Chronically depressed adults
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)
3rd through 8th grade students who screened positive for exposure to a traumatic event and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder ...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adult Depression
Adults (18 and over) diagnosed with a mood disorder, including Unipolar Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, and ...
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Adults who have experienced a traumatic event and are currently suffering from the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/...
Cognitive Therapy (CT)
Adults with mental health disorders including depression, anger, and anxiety among others - the program is also designed to include ...
Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS)
Children ages 4-14 who experience oppositional episodes and their parents
Collaborative Problem Solving® (CPS)
Children and adolescents (ages 3-21) with a variety of behavioral challenges, including both externalizing (e.g., aggression, defiance, tantrums) and ...
Combined Parent-Child Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CPC-CBT)
Children ages 3-17 and their parents (or caregivers) in families where parents engage in a continuum of coercive parenting strategies ...
Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA)
Children/adolescents ages 7-17 and their caregivers
Common Sense Parenting® (CSP)
Parents and other caregivers of children ages 6-16 years
Communities in Schools (CIS) – non-responder
Adolescents, especially those at-risk, and youth-serving organizations
Communities that Care (CTC) – non-responder
Communities where there are struggling families
Community Advocacy Project, The (CAP)The Community Advocacy Project
Designed for and tested with survivors of domestic abuse who have utilized shelters. Can be expanded to non-shelter users.
Community Reinforcement + Vouchers Approach (CRA + Vouchers)
Adults age 18 or older with a diagnosis of cocaine abuse or dependence
Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA)
Individuals ages 18 and over who have a primary diagnosis of any Substance-Related Disorder (DSM-IV-R); individuals with co-occurring disorders also respond ...
Community Resiliency Model (CRM®)
Staff and other workers exposed to trauma; can also be used with adults (ages 18+) including parents/caregivers of infants and ...
Compassion-Focused Therapy for Secondary Traumatic Stress (CFT for STS)
Staff and practitioners (e.g., support staff, caseworkers, social workers, supervisors, managers, administrators, directors, etc.)
Computer-Assisted Motivational Intervention (CAMI)
Pregnant and/or parenting adolescents ages 18 and younger
Connect: A Trauma-Informed and Attachment-Based Program for Parents and Caregivers
Caregivers (biological parents, foster parents, kinship caregivers, etc.) of preadolescents (ages 8-12) and adolescents ages (13-19)
Youth 11-15 years old currently in foster or relative care and their caregivers
Cool Kids Anxiety Program - Low-Intensity Format
Children and young adolescents suffering anxiety disorders who are unable to attend standard clinical practice
Cool Kids Anxiety Program - Therapist-Led Delivery [Cool Kids]
Children and adolescents suffering anxiety disorders
COPEing with Toddler Behaviour
Parents of 12- to 36-month-olds who are having challenges with toddler behaviour
Coping Cat [Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Youth]
Children experiencing problematic levels of anxiety
Coping Power Program
8 to 14 year old children whose aggression puts them at risk for later delinquency
Prospective and current parents who are, or will be, raising older children from foster care (ages 10 or older) who have ...
Corrective Attachment Therapy
Children adopted from foster care or foreign orphanages or biological children who have failed to develop secure attachments
Courtney's House
Youth, ages 12-21 years old who are sex trafficking victims
Creating Change
Adults ages 18 and above who have experienced trauma and addiction
Creating Lasting Family Connections® (CLFC)[Creating Lasting Connections (CLC)]
Children ages 9-17 in age appropriate groupings (e.g. ages 9-12, 13-15, or 15-17) and their parents, guardians, or other ...
Creating Lasting Family Connections® Fatherhood Program: Family Reintegration (CLFCFP)
Men and others in parental roles with children ages 0-25
Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM)
A child welfare agency and juvenile justice department serving the same youth or youth at risk of becoming involved in ...
Cue-Centered Therapy (CCT)
Youth ages 8-18 with a chronic history of trauma, adversity, and ongoing stress
Cultural Broker Family Advocate Program
Families with children ages 0-17 at risk of involvement or currently involved with the child welfare system including birth parents, ...
Culturally Informed and Flexible Family-Based Treatment for Adolescents (CIFFTA)
Youth 11-18 years of age and their family members of all ages (including siblings)
Dads MatterHV [Dads Matter, Dads Matter - HV]
Parents/Caregivers and their young children (0-3)
DCCTF'S Effective Black Parenting Program (EBPP; Authored by CICC)
African-American families at risk for child maltreatment
DCCTF's Los Ninos Bien Educados (LNBE; Authored by CICC)
For parents of Latino descent who are raising children in the United States, both Spanish and English speakers
DCCTF's New Confident Parenting Program (NCP; Authored by CICC)
Parents of children (2-12 years old) who are experiencing behavior or emotional problems
Defiant Children: A Clinician's Manual for Assessment and Parent Training
Parents of children ages 4-12 years who are defiant or who may qualify for a diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder (...
Design Team – non-responder
Designing Support Groups for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities
Individuals or organizations who work with parents with intellectual disabilities
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) – non-responder
Chronically suicidal youth with behaviors found in borderline personality disorder (BPD)
DIRFloortime® – non-responder [Floortime]
Children with a wide range of emotional, sensory, regulatory, motor, learning, and developmental challenges including having an autism spectrum disorder
Domestic Abuse Intervention Project - The Duluth Model (DAIP)
Adult males who are both court-ordered (civil or criminal) and voluntary participants
Domestic Violence Home Visit Intervention (DVHVI)
Families with children from birth to 18 years old living in home that have reported incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV) ...
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP)
Families with children/teens with disorders of attachment and trauma. Typically adopted and foster children, those who meet the DSM-V ...
Early Childhood Consultation Partnership®, The (ECCP®)The Early Childhood Consultation Partnership®
Children birth to age five in early care and education settings and their caregiving adults (e.g., family caregivers and ...
Early Head Start (EHS) – non-responder
Early Pathways Program (EPP)[Parenting Young Children Program (PYC)]
Children 6 years of age and younger with significant behavior and/or emotional problems including trauma and their primary caretaker(s)
Early Risers: Skills for Success
Children and adolescents ages 6-12 and their parents/guardians
Early Start
Parents of a newborn (usually up to 12 months of age) and/or parents in the antenatal period facing multiple disadvantages
Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) – non-responder
Parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Early Steps to School Success (ESSS)
Families living in rural, geographically isolated communities
Ecologically Based Family Therapy (EBFT)
Substance-abusing runaway adolescents (12-17) and their family members who are willing to have the adolescents live in their homes
Edgewood Kinship Support Network – non-responder
Emerge Program, The – non-responder The Emerge Program
People who have abused their relationship partners and people in potentially abusive relationships
Emotion-Focused Training for Helping Professionals (EFT-HP) – non-responder
EMOTION: 'Coping Kids' Managing Anxiety and Depression
Children 8 to 12 years and their parents/caregivers
Ending The Game (ETG)
Victims/survivors of commercial sexual exploitation ages 13 and older
eNew Beginnings Program for Divorced and Separated Parents (eNBP)
Children/adolescents between 6 and 18 years of age whose parents are divorcing or separating parents (program is provided to the parents)
Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT-E) for Adolescents with Eating Disorders
Adolescents (12-19) with eating disorders
Enhanced MiTEAM Practice Model
All public and private child welfare staff (primarily caseworkers and supervisors)
Enhancing Adoptive Parenting
Adoptive parents who have recently had a child from the foster care system placed with them; the child should be ...
Exchange Parent Aide
Families must have at least one child age birth through 17 years in the home (services may also be offered prenatally), ...
Exploring Trauma+: A Brief Intervention for Men and Gender-Diverse People (ET+)
Adults who experience the world from a male perspective and have experienced trauma
Extreme Recruitment®
Children ages 10-18 years old who have been in out-of-home care for over 15 months; the program will also work with ...
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) [Trauma Treatment (Adult)]
Adults who have experienced trauma and may experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), post-traumatic stress, phobias, and other mental health disorders
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) [Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)]
Children and adolescents who have experienced trauma; research has been conducted on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), posttraumatic stress, phobias, and ...
Fairy Tale Model (Treating Problem Behaviors: A Trauma-Informed Approach)
Teens (13 to 18 years of age) with emotional and behavior problems
Familias Unidas
The parents of Hispanic adolescents between 12-16 years old and the adolescents
Families Actively Improving Relationships (FAIR)
Parents with parental rights for at least one of their minor children, in utero to age 17, who have been referred ...
Families Facing the Future
Parents receiving methadone treatment and their children ages 5-14
Families First
Families and referred children who are at-risk as a result of family conflict, lack of parenting skills, child abuse, childhood ...
Families First of Michigan
Children who are at high risk of removal from their families due to abuse or neglect
Families Moving Forward (FMF) Program
Children aged 3 to 12 years old with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and their caregivers
Families on Track Integrated Preventive Intervention Program
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) ages 4 to 8 and their parents/caregivers
Families Together
Families separated by court order and involved in the state’s child welfare system
Family Acceptance Project® (FAP) Family Support Model – non-responder
Ethnically and religiously diverse families with a LGBT child
Family Alternatives
Adolescents aged 14 to 19 who are currently in foster care and who will likely transition out of care to interdependent adult ...
Family Assessment Response (FAR)[Alternative Response]
Families with an accepted child maltreatment report that does not allege sexual abuse or substantial child endangerment (as defined by ...
Family Centered Treatment (FCT)
Families with members at imminent risk of placement into, or needing intensive services to return from, treatment facilities, foster care, ...
Family Check-Up (FCU)
Caregivers of children 2-17 years old in the middle class or lower socioeconomic level
Family Connections (FC)
Families at risk for child maltreatment
Family Finding
Children and youth (birth through young adulthood), who have been disconnected from their families by virtue of placement outside of ...
Family Foundations
Expectant mothers and fathers
Family Group Decision Making (FGDM)
Children who are abused/neglected and their family groups
Family Growth Center, The (FGC)The Family Growth Center
Adolescent mothers ages 13-17 years and their infants ages birth-2 years in high-risk neighborhoods
Family Hui
Parents of children birth to five years old
Family Matters
Parents of adolescents 12-14 years of age
Family Spirit®
Any at-risk or young adult mother (under age 25 years) who is pregnant (ideally 28 weeks gestation or sooner) and/or has ...
Family-Focused Treatment for Adolescents (FFT-A)
Adolescents with bipolar disorder and their family members
Caregivers (e.g., biological, foster, relative, adoptive) of children from birth to18 years of age whose trauma histories and present ...
Fast Track Project
Children at high-risk of conduct problems beginning at age 6-7 (1st grade) through age 15/16 (Grade 10)
FAST® - Elementary School Level
Children in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade and their families
FATHER (Fostering Actions To Help Earnings and Responsibility) Project, The The FATHER (Fostering Actions To Help Earnings and Responsibility) Project
Low-income fathers, primarily noncustodial
Father/Male Involvement Preschool Teacher Education Program – non-responder
FIRST: A Principal-Guided Approach to Evidence-Based Youth Psychotherapy
Children and adolescents with disorders and problems involving anxiety (including obsessive compulsive disorder [OCD]), depression, misconduct, and posttraumatic stress
Forgiveness Therapy
Adults who have been treated unjustly and have residual anger, anxiety, depression, and/or low self-esteem
FORWARD Program – non-responder
Former foster youth, orphans, and wards of the state who desire to pursue higher education
Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP)[Foster Youth Services]
Foster youth, K-12 grades
Foster Youth Success Initiative (FYSI)
Current or former foster youth interested in, or already attending, a community college
Fostering Healthy Futures - Preteen (FHF-P)
Preadolescent children (ages 9-11) who have current or previous child welfare involvement due to one or more adverse childhood experiences (...
Fostering Relationships
Birth and foster parents with young children (between 6 months and 6 years) in foster care who are beginning visitation
Fostering Success Coach Model
Transitional age youth (ages 16-25) who have experienced foster care, homelessness, or who identify as independent® (FPC)
Resource parents (foster, adoptive, and kinship) of children ages 0-18; can be used by social workers and other professionals who ...
Foundations of Pennsylvania Practice [Charting the Course]
Newly hired child welfare professionals
FPC-IHS Blended In-Person and Online Pre-Service Training for Resource Parents
Prospective foster, adoptive, and kinship parents of children in all age groups
Free Talk Group Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Teens
Adolescents ages 14-18 who had had a first-time alcohol or drug-related offense; can also be provided to teens in this ...
Friends for Youth 1 to 1 Mentoring [Friends for Youth Mentoring Services]
Youth ages 8-17 (referred by teachers, counselors, probation officers, county mental health, child protective/welfare services, or other youth-serving professionals) ...
Friends of the Children (FOTC)
Children ages 4-6 years who are at serious risk of entering or reentering foster care, and/or who are already ...
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
11-18 year olds with very serious problems such as conduct disorder, violent acting-out, and substance abuse
Functional Family Therapy Child Welfare® (FFT - CW®)
Children and adolescents up to 17 years of age and their parent/caregivers and other family members who were referred to ...
GEMS (Girls Educational and Mentoring Services) – non-responder
Girls and young women who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking
Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network) – non-responder [Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)]
Middle school and high school students, especially those identifying as LGBTQ+
GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format)
Parents of children/youth 2-18 years of age with disruptive behaviors such as conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and anti-social ...
Generations of Hope [Hope Meadows]
Vulnerable populations such as foster/adopted children, aging out foster youth, women ages 21-25 years that were foster children and ...
Georgia Child Welfare Employee Selection Protocol (ESP) – non-responder
GoFAR – non-responder
Parents and children ages 4 to 9 years old with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) whom have problems with self-regulation and adaptive ...
Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation, The (GLM) – non-responder The Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation
GrandFamilies House – non-responder
Families where the grandparents are raising their grandchildren
GrandParent Family Apartments – non-responder
Older relatives (usually grandparents) who are raising children under 18 years of age
Grandparent Family Connections (GFC)
Grandparent-headed household families at risk for child maltreatment
Grandparents as Parents – non-responder
Relative caregivers who have taken on the role of parent to their child relative
Grief and Trauma Intervention (GTI) for Children
Children who are experiencing grief and posttraumatic stress
Group Attachment Based Intervention (GABI)
Child(ren) 0-47 months old and their parent(s) who has experienced significant trauma, who has mental health challenges, and/...
Guardian Scholars Program
Emancipated foster youth from the State of California motivated to obtain a college education from ages 17 to 23
Guiding Good Choices® (GGC)
Parents of adolescents and young teens
Handle with Care Behavior Management System®
Providers and staff working with children and adolescents (age 3 years and up) across the entire spectrum of human services including ...
Happiest Baby, The (THB)The Happiest Baby
New parents, grandparents, teachers and healthcare professionals
Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ) – non-responder
Communities experiencing poverty
Headspace – non-responder
University students as well as other young adults
Healing Hearts Camp [Family Bonding Camp]
Families with challenging children from 5 to 14 years of age struggling with attachment or adoption issues and the professionals who work ...
Healing Trauma+: A Brief Intervention for Women and Gender-Diverse People (HT+)[Healing Trauma]
Adults who experience the world from a female perspective and have experienced trauma
Healthy & Safe
Parents with learning difficulties who are the main caregivers of a child less than five years old
Healthy Families America (HFA)
Parents/caregivers (adolescents or adults who are pregnant or parenting) and their children ages 0-5 years old (with no minimum ...
Helping Men Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction (HMR)
Men with substance use disorders
Helping the Noncompliant Child (HNC)
Parents of children (age 3-8 years old) who are noncompliant and have related disruptive behavior/conduct problems
Helping Women Recover & Beyond Trauma (HWR/BT)
Adult women with addictive disorders and a trauma history (e.g., abuse, domestic violence, community violence, etc.)
Hitkashrut – non-responder
Families with children who are showing early signs of conduct problem development
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)
Parents who have young children and have limited formal education and resources
Families with children (birth to 18) at imminent risk of placement into, or needing intensive services to return from, foster care, ...
Hope House
Domestic victims of sex trafficking ages 12-17
HOPE Program
Sexually reactive children (age 12 and up) and sexually abusive children and adolescents; also used for adult sexual offenders
I Can Problem Solve (ICPS)
Low- and middle-income 4-12 year old students, including African-Americans, Caucasians, Hispanic, and Asian populations
I Feel Better Now! Trauma Intervention Program
At-risk children ages 6-12 with a history of trauma or loss
ICWA: Working with Native American Families and Tribes
State child welfare social workers and agencies serving Native American youth in child welfare, Native American children and families, and ...
Incredible Years® Classroom Dinosaur Child Program (Prevention), The The Incredible Years® Classroom Dinosaur Child Program (Prevention)
Children 3-8 years of age
Incredible Years® Preschool Basic Parent Training Program (Treatment), The The Incredible Years® Preschool Basic Parent Training Program (Treatment)
Parents/caregivers of young children (ages 3-6 ) in higher risk families or who are exhibiting high rates of conduct problems, ...
Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management Program, The The Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management Program
Teachers of children 3-8 years of age and the children in their classroom
Incredible Years®, The The Incredible Years®
Refer to the specific curriculum below for its target population.
Independent Living Program-Orangewood (ILP)
Foster youth ages 16 to 21, can be teen parents
Indiana Family Preservation Services (INFPS)
All families with in-home cases where the department (and the court, when applicable) believes that the child (birth to 18) can ...
Individual Family - Psychoeducational Psychotherapy (IF-PEP)
Children aged 7-14 with major mood disorders (depressive and bipolar spectrum) and their parents
InsideOut Dad®
Incarcerated fathers with children 18 years old and younger, designed specifically for the issues/challenges faced by incarcerated fathers (e.g., ...
Integrative Treatment of Complex Trauma for Adolescents (ITCT-A)
Adolescents and young adults who have been multiply traumatized
Intensive Alternative Family Treatment (IAFT®)
Children and adolescents ages 5-18 years of age (allowable up to age 21 with approval) with high behavioral health needs requiring ...
Intensive Parent Model [PRAXES Intensive Model]
Parents of children, ages 3-18, with either mental health disorders or intellectual disabilities
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)
Adults with major depression
Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model, The (ITTM)The Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model
Caregivers and their children ages 3-18 burdened by the symptoms and behaviors of unresolved impact of historical or recent traumatic ...
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT-A)
Adolescents ages 12-18 years old suffering from nonpsychotic depression who can be treated on a once-a-week outpatient basis
Interpersonal Psychotherapy-Adolescent Skills Training (IPT-AST)
Adolescents, 12-16 years old, with elevated depression symptoms
Interventions for Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: Research, Theory and Treatment
Children aged 7-12 years who have sexual behavior problems and their parent(s)/caretakers
Iowa Parent Partner Approach [Parent Partners - Iowa]
Parents involved with Department of Human Services’ Child Protective Services
Joan Sherman Program for Resilient Children, The The Joan Sherman Program for Resilient Children
Families involved in the child welfare system, receiving supervised visitation services following the child/children’s removal from the ...
Just Beginning (JB) Program
Noncustodial young incarcerated fathers of children between the ages of 2 months and 3 years; can also be used with incarcerated young ...
Parents of children and young people in long-term out-of-home care who have supervised contact with them
Caregivers of children 4 to 12 years of age in foster or kinship care placements
Caregivers of youth 10 to 18 years of age in foster or kinship care placements and the youth themselves
keepin' it REAL (kiR)
Children and adolescents 10 to 13 years old
Keeping Kids in Mind (KKIM)
Parents of children birth-18 years of age who are engaged in chronic medium to high conflict postseparation
KIDNET – non-responder
Refugee children suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Kids Club & Moms Empowerment
Children ages 6-12 and their mothers exposed to intimate partner violence in the last year
Kids in Transition to School (KITS)
Foster children and other children at high risk for school difficulties who are entering kindergarten
Kin as Teachers (KAT) – non-responder
Relative caregivers raising children from birth to kindergarten entry
Kinship Care Connection (KCC) – non-responder
Children and their kin caregivers
Kinship Caregiver Engagement and Support Program
Potential and current kinship caregivers such as grandparents, other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), and "fictive kin," (...
Kinship Education Preparation and Support (KEPS) – non-responder
Formal kinship caregivers in a large urban city
Kinship Navigator (CHN-KN) Children's Home Network
Informal and formal kinship families, relatives, and nonrelatives raising children who are not being raised by parents
Kinship Navigator Program - Arizona
Kinship caregivers, such as grandparents, other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), and fictive kin," who are raising children (...
Kinship Navigator Program - Family Connections Grantee Model
Kinship caregivers, such as grandparents, other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), and "fictive kin," who are raising ...
Kinship Navigator Program - Washington State
Grandparents and other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), ages 18 and over, who are raising children because the children’...
Kinship Supports Intervention
Kinship caregivers (relatives and fictive kin) of children involved in child welfare systems (children aged 0 to 18), regardless of custody status ...
KiVa Antibullying Program
Schoolchildren between 7 and 16 years of age
Larkin Extended Aftercare for Supported Emancipation (LEASE)
Emancipating foster care youth ages 18-24, including pregnant and parenting youth
LEAP Preschool – non-responder
Children with and without disabilities within an inclusive early childhood environment
Learning Circles – non-responder
Let's Talk: Runaway Prevention Curriculum
Level One Theraplay & MIM
Children ages 0-18 who exhibit behavioral problems and their caregiver (biological, adoptive, or foster)
LIFE - Live In Family Enhancement
Parents with children ages 0-17 at risk of having their children enter foster care or who are in the process ...
Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI)
Adults working and living with children and youth who escalate incidents into no-win power struggles, distort reality, are self-abusive, engage ...
LifeSet [YVLifeSet]
Young adults between the ages 17 and 22 who are leaving the foster care, juvenile justice, and/or mental health systems
Listening and Led by Youth in Foster Care: Grief, Hope, and Transitions (L.Y.G.H.T.)
Adolescents and young adults, 12-23 years old, who are in foster care or in transitional living
Lovaas Model of Applied Behavior Analysis – non-responder
Children between the ages of two and eight who have developmental delays
Love Notes 3.0 Evidence-Based Program Model (EBP)[Love Notes EBP]
Young people and young parents ages 14-25
Magnolia Place Community Initiative (MCI) – non-responder
Communities in economically challenged areas
Make Parenting A Pleasure (MPAP), Second Edition
Highly stressed families with children ages 0 to 8 years at risk for abuse or neglect
Making Proud Choices! – non-responder
Mandt System®, The The Mandt System®
Child welfare organizations and other human service programs concerned with the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of service recipients and ...
Maryland Child Welfare Academy (CWA) Pre-Service Competency Training
Recently hired public child welfare workers across Maryland’s 24 jurisdictions
Massachusetts Adolescent Outreach Program for Youths in Intensive Foster Care (MA Outreach) – non-responder
Youth in foster care who will be aging out of the foster care system or recently have
Math Interactive Learning Experience (MILE)
Children ages 3-10 with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their caregivers
Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults
Adolescents with substance abuse disorders
Matrix Model Intensive Outpatient Program
Adults with substance abuse disorders
MBF Child Safety Matters®
Children in grades K-5, their parents/guardians, and personnel at the children’s school
MBF Teen Safety Matters®
Youth in grades 6-12, their parents/guardians, and personnel at the youth’s school
Mellow Babies
Disadvantaged families with mothers with children eighteen months old and younger; families can include teenage parents, parents with mental health ...
Michigan Family Reunification Program
Families with children ages 0-17 being reunified from foster care or relative placement
Michigan Model of Infant Mental Health Home Visiting, The (IMH-HV)The Michigan Model of Infant Mental Health Home Visiting
Families, specifically parents and their infants/toddlers ages 0 (during pregnancy) to 36 months, who present with challenges to the parent-child relationship, ...
MICUNAY Group Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Teens
Urban American Indian/Alaska Native teens 14-18
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
Adults (between 18-70 years old) who have suffered three or more prior episodes of major depression
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT-C)
Children ages 8- to 12-years old with anxiety or depression; can be modified for both younger and older children
Minnesota Parent Mentor Program (MPMP)
Parents in the welfare system/Child Protection System with children in the home or in an out-of-home placement
Minority Youth and Family Initiative for African-Americans (MYFI)
African American children and families involved with the child welfare system
Minority Youth and Family Initiative for American Indian/Alaskan Native Children (MYFI)
American Indian and Alaskan Native children and families
Mockingbird Family(TM)
Children, adolescents, and foster families
Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH-ADTC)[MATCH-ADC]
Children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 15 with anxiety, depression, conduct problems, and/or traumatic stress and their caregivers
Modular Evidence-Based Practices for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (MEYA) – non-responder [Behavioral interventions for Anxiety in Children with Autism (BIACA)]
Youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Mom Power®
Mothers (e.g., biological, adoptive, foster, etc.) of child(ren) ages 0 (during pregnancy) to 6 years, where the mothers are experiencing ...
Mothering from the Inside Out (MIO)[Mother and Toddler Program]
Adults who are both caregivers of young children (aged 0-5 years) and in treatment for, or recovery from, a substance ...
Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting, and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth (MISSSEY) – non-responder
Commercially sexually exploited youth 11-18 years of age
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
Caregivers of children referred to the child welfare system, has been used with adolescents
Multi-Family Psychoeducational Psychotherapy (MF-PEP)
Children aged 8-12 with major mood disorders (depressive and bipolar spectrum) and their parents
Multidimensional Family Recovery (MDFR)[Engaging Moms Program]
Parents with children from birth to 18 who have come to the attention of, or are involved with, the child welfare ...
Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)
Adolescents 11 to 18 with the following symptoms or problems: substance use or at risk, delinquent/conduct disorder, school and other behavioral ...
Multifunctional Treatment in Residential and Community Settings (MultifunC) – non-responder
High-risk juvenile criminals
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
Youth, 12 to 17 years old, with possible substance abuse issues who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to antisocial or ...
Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN)
Families who have come to the attention of Child Protective Services within the past 180 days due to the physical abuse ...
Multisystemic Therapy for Youth with Problem Sexual Behaviors (MST-PSB)
Youth between 10 and 17.5 years of age (and their families) when the youth has engaged in sexually abusive behavior toward others; ...
Multisystemic Therapy – Building Stronger Families (MST-BSF)
Families who are involved with child welfare services due to physical abuse and/or neglect plus parental substance misuse
My First Place (MFP)[Supported Housing Program (SHP)]
Youth/young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 who are in or emancipating from child welfare systems throughout the United ...
My Kids and Me
Parents whose children (aged 0-18) have been removed into the child protection system; either permanently or temporarily
My Life
Youth and young adults, ages 15-19, in foster care who are able to go into the community with their program ...
My Life My Choice
Girls ages 12-18 who have been exploited or are at high risk of being exploited
MyPath Savings – non-responder
Youth participating in youth workforce programs
Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)
Adult survivors of organized violence, war, conflict, torture, man-made and natural disasters, civil trauma as well as childhood sexual/physical ...
National Family Development Credential® Program (FDC)
Frontline family workers from government, private, and not-for-profit agencies as well as business and large corporations
Neighbor To Family Sibling Foster Care Model [Neighbor to Neighbor]
Sibling groups of 2 or more children from infancy through seventeen years of age who are in the custody of the ...
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Training
Staff working in child welfare settings, human services, health care facilities, and educators
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)
First time, low-income mothers (adolescents and adults, with no set maximum age) and their infants ages birth-2 years
Nurturing Parenting Program for Parents and their Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
Families who had been reported to the child welfare system for child maltreatment including physical and emotional maltreatment in addition ...
Nurturing Parenting Program for Parents and their School-age Children 5 to 11 Years
Parents of families who have been reported to the child welfare system for child maltreatment including physical and emotional maltreatment ...
Nurturing Program for Families in Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery
Parents who are in substance abuse treatment and recovery; and may have current or past mental health issues and/or ...
Nurturing Skills™ for Families (NSF)
Families with children prenatal to age 19 who have already experienced or are at higher risk for child maltreatment and other ...
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP)
Students in elementary, middle, and high schools
On the Way Home (OTWH)
Middle and high school students (12-18) with, or at-risk for, emotional and behavioral disorders transitioning from residential placements back into ...
Opportunity Passport
Young people transitioning from foster care; specifically, young people 14-26 years old who have spent at least one day in ...
Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center (ORPARC)
State adoptive families, Guardianship families, kinship families, families who have adopted children through any state foster care system, and resource (...
Parent Connectors Program
Parents/caregivers of children or adolescents (ages 6 to18) at-risk for or having a serious emotional disorder.
Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.)
Parents of children ages 0 to 18 with communication and behavior problems
Parent Project's Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior, The The Parent Project's Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior
Parents of what are collectively referred to as "strong-willed," or out-of-control adolescents and older children (11-17 years old), ...
Parent Support Outreach Program (PSOP)
Families with at least one child aged 10 or younger, or pregnant, who are identified as being exposed to two or ...
Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP)
Pregnant or parenting mothers (up to 12 months postpartum) who have alcohol and/or drug use disorders and their children 0 to 3.
Parent-Child Care (PC-CARE)
Caregiver and child age 1-10 years who has or is at high-risk of developing behavior problems or who is adjusting ...
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Children ages 2.0 - 7.0 years old with behavior and parent-child relationship problems; may be conducted with parents, foster parents, or other ...
ParentChild+ [The Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP)]
Families with two- and three-year-old children (families may enter the program with children as young as 16-months) who face multiple ...
3- to 5-year-old children enrolled in pre-K programs, their families, and pre-K educators and staff
Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA)
Grandparents and other kinship caregivers who are not the biological parents of the child in their care
Parenting Inside Out (PIO)
Criminal-justice and systems-involved parents (e.g., incarcerated, substance abuse, child welfare) of children ages 0-19 who may be at risk ...
Parenting the Love and Logic Way [Love and Logic]
Parents, grandparents, and other caretakers raising children
Parenting Through Change (PTC; GenerationPMTO Group)
Parents of children/youth ages 2-18 at risk for or presenting with behavior problems
Parenting Together Project (PTP) – non-responder
Couples that just became first-time parents and could use assistance in developing the father’s role in parenthood
Parenting Wisely
Families with children at risk for or with: behavior problems, substance abuse problems, or delinquency
Parenting with Love and Limits (PLL)
Children and adolescents aged 10-18 who have severe emotional and behavioral problems (e.g., conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and ...
Parenting Young Children (PYC)
Parents with learning difficulties who are the main caregivers of a child aged six months through six years old
Parents and Children Together (PACT)
Foster and adopted children 6 to 12 years of age with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and their parents/caregivers
Parents Anonymous®
Parents, grandparents, relative and kin providers, foster parents, or anyone serving in a parenting or caregiver role and children and ...
Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Parents/Caregivers who are expecting a child or have a child who has not begun Kindergarten
Parents as Tender Healers (PATH) – non-responder
Parents Under Pressure (PuP) – non-responder
Families with mental health challenges including trauma, substance misuse, family conflict, and severe financial stress
Partners in Parenting Education (PIPE)
Parents/caregivers of children from birth through three years of age
PATHS® Curriculum, The The PATHS® Curriculum
Universal populations (all children) including those with more serious behavior problems and/or cognitive challenges
Pathways Fourth Edition
Adolescent males and females with sexual behavior problems, ages 12-18
PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG)
Children in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 6th
Period of PURPLE Crying
All mothers, fathers, and secondary caregivers of infants up to 2 years of age as well as society in general in ...
Permanency Navigator Program - Adoption Network Cleveland
Prospective adoptive parents and caregivers (e.g., grandparents and other relatives raising young children, foster parents, and adoptive parents) of ...
Physical/Psychological Management Training Restraining Training Programs (PMT) – non-responder
Professionals who work in an environment with the potential of a variety of crisis episodes with adolescents
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) – non-responder
Nonverbal individuals including preschool students diagnosed with autism
Pivotal Response Treatment® (PRT®) – non-responder
Children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Play and Learning Strategies - Infant Program (PALS I)
Children 5 -15 months and their families
Play and Learning Strategies – Toddler/Preschool Program (PALS II)
Children 18 months to 4 years and their families
Play it Safe!® Child Abuse Prevention Program – 3rd-5th Grade
Students in 3rd through 5th grade
Positive Action (PA)
Kindergarten (age 4-5) through Grade 8 (age 13-14) students
Positive Discipline Parent Education
Parents of children and adolescents (birth through 18 years) who are typically developing; and teachers of children (toddlers through adolescence) who ...
Positive Family Support (PFS) Program
The parents and families of middle school-age children (Grade 6-Grade 8); the content is not presented directly to children
Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) – non-responder
American Indian and Alaska Native parents
Positive Parenting Resource
Families headed by parents with intellectual and/or functional limitations
Positive Peer Culture (PPC)
High-risk youth in public, private, and alternative schools, and in residential settings, including juvenile corrections
Practitioner's Guide to Anger Management, The [Anger Management the Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners] The Practitioner's Guide to Anger Management
Adults with anger regulation problems; program has also been used with adolescents
Preliminary Protective Hearing Benchcard (PPH Benchcard)
Judges in the dependency court system where there may be high placement rates into foster care and disparate treatment of ...
Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT)
3-6 year old children with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms
Pressley Ridge Treatment Foster Care Program (PR-TFC)
Youth who are 12-18 years old with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. These youth are in need of out-of-home placement ...
Pressley Ridge's Treatment Foster Care (PR-TFC) Pre-Service Curriculum
Prospective treatment foster parents for youth ages 0 to 21 years old with behavioral or emotional issues
PRIDE Model of Practice (Parent Resource for Information, Development, and Education)
Prospective foster and adoptive parents and experienced foster parents; child welfare professionals who develop, support, and team with resource parents
Primary and Secondary Control Enhancement Training (PASCET)
Children and adolescents aged 8-15 who are depressed
Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST)
7 to 14 year olds with behavioral problems, particularly children who struggle to handle disappointments, frustrations, or problems calmly
Problematic Sexual Behavior – Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Preschool Children
Boys and girls ages 3 to 6 years with sexual behavior problems and their caregivers
Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®) for Adolescents – non-responder
Teens in middle school or high school who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends ...
Progressive Counting (PC)
Adults who have experienced trauma; has been used with teens and children ages 6 and up
Project ALERT – non-responder
Project Connect
High-risk, substance-affected families involved in the child welfare system that may experience poly-substance abuse and dependence, domestic violence, child abuse ...
Project Fatherhood
Fathers, significant others, and at-risk children
Project Healthy Grandparents (PHG)
Grandparent-headed families of grandchildren (ages birth to 16 years) in which the birth parents are absent
Project IMPACT
Parents with intellectual and/or significant learning disabilities (ID/LD)
Project ImPACT (Improving Parents as Communication Teachers)
Parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related social communication delays and the children themselves
Project SUCCESS – non-responder
Adolescents and their parents
Project Towards No Drug Abuse (Project TND)
High school-aged youth in grades 9-12, between the ages of 14-19 years old, who are at various levels of risk ...
Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adolescents (PE-A)
Adolescents who have experienced a trauma (e.g., sexual assault, car accident, violent crimes, etc.); has also been used with ...
Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD for Adults (PE)
Adults with a variety of traumas such as combat, sexual assault, car accidents, violent crimes, and acts of terrorism
Promoting First Relationships (PFR)
Caregivers of children birth to five years
Providence House Family Preservation Crisis Nursery
Children ages birth to 12 and their adult caregivers
Psychological First Aid (PFA) – non-responder
Children and adolescents in the immediate aftermath of a disaster or terrorism
Quality Parenting
Parents, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and other caretakers who need support - information and practical skills - to create an environment ...
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) – non-responder
Adults with anger management issues and possibly other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and relationship problems; can ...
Reaching Higher: A Curriculum for Foster/Adoptive Parents and Kinship Caregivers Caring for LGBTQ Youth – non-responder
Foster, kinship, adoptive, and guardianship parents providing direct care for LGBTQ youth
Reaching Higher: Increasing Competency in Practice with LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare Systems – non-responder
Child welfare staff working with LGBTQ youth
Real Life Heroes (RLH): Resiliency-focused Therapy for Children and Families with Complex Trauma [Real Life Heroes (RLH): Resiliency-focused Treatment for Children and Families with Traumatic Stress]
School-age children between ages 6-12 and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events, have a breakdown in emotionally supportive relationships, and ...
Real Solution Anger Management Program
Adults who need help managing their anger
Recovery Coach (RC)
Adults 18 years or older who have a primary substance use disorder (co-occurring conditions are expected)
Reducing the Risk (RTR)
Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) – non-responder
Children and families that face autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and other developmental difficulties
Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) – non-responder
Relative caregivers caring for children outside the foster care system
Relief Nursery
Families with limited income, raising children birth to age six with multiple stressors
Reminiscing and Emotion Training (RET)
Parents with a history of neglectful and/or abusive behaviors, or who are at risk for abusive or neglectful behaviors, ...
Residential Student Assistance Program (RSAP)
Adolescents (12-18 year olds) with multiple problems who have been placed voluntarily or involuntarily in a residential child care facility (...
Resilience Alliance
Child welfare staff, supervisors, and administrators
Resilience and Coping for the Healthcare Community (RCHC) – non-responder
Social service and health care providers who provide care to children, families, and communities after a natural disaster
Resilience for Trauma-Informed Professionals (R-TIP) – non-responder
Any staff member, supervisor, or administrator who works in a context in which services are provided to trauma-exposed individuals, who ...
Resource Parent Curriculum (RPC)
Foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers of children or adolescents of all ages (0-21 years)
Resourceful Adolescent Program-Adolescent (RAP-A)
Adolescents between 11 and 15 years of age
Respite Center at RISE Wisconsin, The – non-responder The Respite Center at RISE Wisconsin
Parents and caregivers of children ages 0-14
Restorative Approach, The The Restorative Approach
Youth-serving professionals working with groups of youth exposed to trauma in the mental health, juvenile justice, and education fields
Restoring Resiliency Response (RRR)
Frontline workers in the child protection, juvenile justice, and other social service fields
RETHINK Curriculum
Adults having difficulty managing anger; program has also been used with young children with language skills through teenagers
RISE (Recognize, Intervene, Support, Empower)
LGBTQ+ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning plus others in this community) children/youth 5-17, their caregivers (resource parents, biological ...
Rising Tide Communities - Orangewood
Former foster youth between 18 and 25 years
Risk Reduction through Family Therapy (RRFT)
Trauma-exposed adolescents aged 13-18 years who experience co-occurring trauma-related mental health problems (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], depression), substance ...
Risking Connection®
Organizations with professionals and paraprofessionals, and others who work with survivors (children, adolescents, and adults) of traumatic life events, especially ...
Road to Recovery Toolkit, The The Road to Recovery Toolkit
Providers working with children and adolescents of all ages (0–1) with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families
RUBI Parent Training (RUBI-PT)
Caregivers of autistic youth ages 3-14 + across the cognitive and developmental spectrum (i.e., with or without intellectual/developmental delays [...
Safe Babies Court Team™, The The Safe Babies Court Team™
Infants and toddlers up to age 3 coming under court jurisdiction and their families; and professionals engaged in disciplines touching the ...
Safe Child Program, The The Safe Child Program
Students in Preschool through Grade 3
Safe Crisis Management (SCM)
Staff members who work with individuals in care or receiving service that may experience crisis and challenging behavior
Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK)
Primary Prevention use: Families with children aged 0-5 years. Secondary Prevention use: Families with children aged 0-5 years who have ...
Safe Families for Children (SFFC)
Parents in crisis and their children from birth to 18 years of age who are in need of safe place to ...
Safe Touches
Children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade
Parents/caregivers and children (0-17) who are determined by public child welfare agencies to be unsafe with their families and ...
SafeCare® [Project SafeCare]
Parents at-risk for child neglect and/or abuse and parents with a history of child neglect and/or abuse
Safer Sex Intervention (SSI)
Sexually active female adolescents and young adults
Safety, Mentoring, Advocacy, Recovery, and Treatment (SMART)
Children ages 4-11 who have a history of child sexual abuse (CSA) and are exhibiting problematic sexual behavior (PSB)
San Pasqual Academy
Foster Youth attending middle school or high school, 12-17 years old for dependents of Juvenile Court and 18-19 years old ...
Sanctuary Model
This program is not a client-specific intervention, but a full-system approach that targets the entire organization with the intention of ...
Second Step® Child Protection Unit
Children 4-11 years of age
Second Step® Early Learning
4- to 5-year-old children in preschool
Seeking Safety (Adolescent version)
Adolescents with a history of trauma and/or substance abuse
Seeking Safety (Adult version)
Adults who have a history of trauma and/or substance abuse
Seita Scholars Program
Youth aging out of foster care; foster and former foster youth in college 18-25 years old
Self-Compassion for Healthcare Communities (SCHC) – non-responder
Healthcare professionals, therapists, teachers/educators, caregivers, first responders, leadership
Seven Challenges®, The The Seven Challenges®
Adolescents and young adults who have drug problems, co-occurring mental health issues, trauma, and family issues
Sexual Abuse Counseling and Prevention Program (SACPP)
Young people aged 10-18 who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors and their families
Signposts for Building Better Behaviour
Parents of children with an intellectual disability who display difficult behaviours
Signs of Safety
Children and families where there has been suspected or substantiated child abuse or neglect
Silver Lining Mentoring (SLM)[Adoption and Foster Care Mentoring]
Youth (ages 7+) with current or prior experience in foster care
Simulation Labs – non-responder
Newly hired child welfare workers
At-risk and adjudicated youth, ages 12-17, with a history of trauma and/or loss
Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation plus Modified Prolonged Exposure (STAIR/MPE) – non-responder
Adult survivors of childhood or chronic interpersonal violence
SNAP Boys [Stop Now And Plan - Under 12 Outreach Project (ORP)]
Boys ages 6 to 11 years old with disruptive behavior problems and their parents/caregivers
Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START)
Families with at least one child under 6 years of age who are in the child welfare system and have a ...
Social Communication Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support (SCERTS) – non-responder
Children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families
Social Decision Making/Problem Solving Program – non-responder
Students in 4th or 5th grade
Solihull Approach Foster Carer Course
Foster carers (i.e., foster parents) of children from infants to age 18 years
Soluna – non-responder
Californians ages 13 to 25
Solution-Based Casework (SBC)
Families who have an open child welfare case due to allegations of abuse and neglect; also been used with families ...
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
Parents who have had their children removed from their custody and into foster care by Child Welfare Services (CWS), have ...
Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) Model
Children and adolescents who experience trauma, are exposed to natural disasters, or experience chronic pain; also used with adults
Spark Direct – non-responder
Adolescents and young adults with depression (13-25)
Specialized Treatment and Recovery Services (STARS)
Parents with substance abuse issues involved with the child welfare system
SPIN Video Interaction Guidance (SPIN VIG)[SPIN Video Home Training (SPIN VHT)]
At-risk children and families, families in conflict, foster parents/children, and adoptive families
SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness-High School Version [SPORT, Project SPORT]
Youth ages 14-18 years old
SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness-Middle School Version [SPORT, Project SPORT]
Youth ages 10-14 years old
Step-by-Step Parenting Program®
Parents with learning differences whose children are at risk of being neglected due to parenting skill deficiencies including parents who ...
Stepped Care Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children after Trauma (SC-CBT-CT)[Stepped Care TF-CBT]
Children (3-12) experiencing posttraumatic stress symptoms and their caregivers
Steps Toward Effective, Enjoyable Parenting (STEEP)
First-time low-income mothers of children 0-23 months old
Stewards of Children
Staff and volunteers of schools and other youth-serving organizations, parents/caregivers, and concerned adults
STOP Domestic Violence Program, The [Domestic Violence 2000] The STOP Domestic Violence Program
Male domestic violence offenders
Children and/or adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders (Conduct disorder [CD], Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD], attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]) living ...
Strengthening Families Program (SFP)
Parents and their children ages 0-17 who need skills to reduce family conflict and the risk of abuse or neglect, ...
Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14)
A universal program for families and youth ages 10-14
Strengthening Family Coping Resources (SFCR)
Families living in traumatic contexts who are vulnerable
Stress-Less Initiative (SLI)
Any staff member working directly or indirectly with individuals who have experienced trauma.
Strive™ Supervised Visitation Program
Parents of children birth to eight years of age who have been placed in out-of-home foster or relative care and ...
Strong African American Families Program (SAAF)
African American youth, aged 10-14, and their parents/caregivers
Structured Decision Making (SDM)
Families referred to and assessed by child protective service (CPS) agencies
Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS)
Traumatized adolescents with a history of exposure to chronic interpersonal trauma (such as ongoing physical abuse) and/or separate types ...
Success Coach Service
Families who have a child leave the foster care system into a permanent placement. For adoptive families, children must have ...
Supervision Matters Program
Child welfare supervisors (any division) in Maryland’s Local Departments of Social Services, who have been in their current ...
Support for Students Exposed to Trauma (SSET)
Youth in late elementary school through early high school (ages 10-16) who have experienced traumatic events and who are experiencing ...
Support Groups for Grandparent Caregivers of Children with Developmental Disabilities and Delays – non-responder
Grandparent caregivers of children with developmental disabilities and delays
Support to End Exploitation Now (SEEN)
Youth (male, female, and transgender) under age 18 who have been victims of commercial sexual exploitation or are at-risk
Supporting Father Involvement (SFI)
Primarily low-income families
Supportive Virtual Family Time Program
Children (from birth to 18 years of age), parents, and caregivers involved in virtual supervised family time/visits
Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP)
Parents of children - birth through adolescence
TASC’s Family Recovery & Reunification Program
Parents of children (aged 0-18) of whom custody has been taken by the State, with a drug or alcohol problem ...
Teaching Kids to Cope (TKC) – non-responder
Teaching-Family Model (TFM)
Youth who are at-risk, juvenile delinquents, in foster care, mentally retarded/developmentally disabled, or severely emotionally disturbed; families at risk ...
Team Decision Making (TDM)
Caseworkers, caregivers of children 0-18 years old involved in child welfare, and their children who are mature/old enough to ...
Teen Parenting Service Network (TPSN)
Pregnant and parenting teen wards of the state between the ages of 13 and 21 years old and their children up to ...
Children and young people aged 11-25
TF-CBT for Youth who have Experienced Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation (TF-CBT for T/CSE)
Children with a known trauma and trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation (T/CSE) history who are experiencing significant posttraumatic stress ...
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)
Staff working in residential child care organizations
Therapeutic Facilitated Visitation (TFV)
Families with children ages birth to 18-years-old who are receiving co-occurring services (such as families with children in out-of-home placement ...
Therapeutic Group Sessions (TGS) – non-responder
Pediatric fellows training in a child maltreatment program
Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Program – non-responder
Vulnerable children and their families: children in foster care and children involved in high-risk custody and visitation cases in family ...
Think Trauma
Those working with juvenile justice system-involved youth which can include juvenile correctional or probation officers, youth care workers, teachers, social ...
Threshold Mothers Project Transitional Living Program (TLP)
Young adult mothers with mental health needs and their children
TIMBER (Trauma Interventions using Mindfulness Based Extinction and Re-consolidation)
Children and adolescents with trauma or anxiety or depression related symptoms; intervention also used with adults
Together Facing the Challenge (TFTC)
Treatment foster parents and agency staff
Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) 6th Grade
Children and adolescents ages 11-14
Toward Equity: A Training Curriculum for Understanding SOGIE – non-responder
Juvenile justice professionals
Training for Adoption Competency (TAC)
Mental health clinicians and child welfare professionals working with adopted children and youth, birth families, and families formed through adoption
Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model
Youth and young adults (14-29 years old) with, or at risk of, emotional/behavioral difficulties (EBD) [e.g., severe mental ...
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy for Adolescents (TARGET-A)
Youth ages 10-18 with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy for Adults (TARGET)
Adults with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Trauma Informed PS - MAPP (TIPS-MAPP)[Partnering for Safety and Permanence - Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting]
Prospective foster and adoptive families in both public and private agencies
Trauma Model Therapy
Adults with severe childhood trauma and complex comorbidity; program has been used for other mental health disorders as well.
Trauma Outcome Process Assessment Model (TOPA)
Sexually abused children and adolescents and children and adolescents who have sexual behavior problems or manifest sexually abusive behavior including ...
Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM)
Women who have a history of sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse and can have severe mental health problems and ...
Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)
Children and adolescents who have experienced trauma and their parents/caregivers
Trauma Systems Therapy (TST)
The combination of a traumatized child/adolescent who, when exposed to trauma reminders, has difficulty regulating their emotions and behavior ...
Trauma Systems Therapy–Foster Care (TST-FC)
Resource and birth parents of youth aged birth-21and child welfare casework staff who work with those youth
Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
Children with a known trauma history who are experiencing significant posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, whether or not they meet ...
Trauma-Focused Coping (TFC)[Multi-modality Trauma Treatment (MMTT)]
Children and adolescents in schools who have suffered a traumatic exposure (e.g., disaster, violence, murder, suicide, fire, accidents)
Trauma-Focused Integrated Play Therapy (TFIPT)
Young sexually abused children who may be victims of other forms of trauma as well, including physical abuse, neglect, witnessing ...
Trauma-Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents (TGCT-A)
Adolescent males or females aged 12-20 from a broad spectrum of socioeconomic, religious, cultural and ethnic groups who have been ...
Trauma-Integrative Treatment Foster Care (TI-TFC)
Foster parents, or potential foster parents, of children and youth age 0-21 years who have experienced complex trauma or neglect ...
TRE-ADD Respite Program
Children/youth ages 6 to 17 (up until their 18th birthday) diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with behavioral and/or complex ...
Treatment Foster Care Oregon - Adolescents (TFCO-A)[Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care - Adolescents]
Boys and girls, 12-17 years old, with severe delinquency and/or severe emotional and behavioral disorders who were in need ...
Treatment Foster Care Oregon for Preschoolers (TFCO-P)[Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Preschoolers]
Preschool foster children aged 3-6 years old who exhibit a high level of disruptive and antisocial behavior which cannot be ...
Treehouse Educational Advocacy Program, The The Treehouse Educational Advocacy Program
Foster youth living in out of home care, Pre-K through 12th grades
Trevor Project - Trainings for Youth-Serving Professionals, The – non-responder The Trevor Project - Trainings for Youth-Serving Professionals
Adults who want to be an adult ally for LGBTQ youth
Tribal STAR (Successful Transition for Adult Readiness)
State child welfare social workers and agencies serving Native American youth in child welfare, Native American children and families, and ...
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program - Level 4® (Level 4 Triple P)
For parents and caregivers of children and adolescents from birth to 12 years old with moderate to severe behavioral and/or ...
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program® - Level 3 Discussion Group
Parents or caregivers of children ages 0-12 years with mild-moderate emotional and behavioral concerns
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program® - Level 3 Primary Care (Level 3 Triple P Primary)
Parents or caregivers of children ages 0-12 years with mild-moderate emotional and behavioral concerns
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program® System (System Triple P)
For parents and caregivers of children from birth to age 16
Triple P Online
All parents or caregivers of children ages 0-12 years
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® - Level 2 Selected Seminar Series (Selected Seminars Triple P)
Parents or caregivers of children aged 0-12 years
Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) - Caregiver Training
Caregivers (including birth parents, resource parents, and residential direct care staff) of children, youth, and young adults (0-25) who are ...
Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) - Online Caregiver Training
Parents (e.g., birth parents, foster parents, kinship parents, adoptive parents, etc.) and caregivers of children who have histories of ...
Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) Therapeutic Camp
Children and adolescents from 1 to 18 years of age who experience attachment disturbances due to maltreatment, abuse, neglect, multiple home placements, ...
Tuning in to Kids (TIK)
Parents and caregivers of children with disruptive behavior between 3 and 12 years of age; can be used with parents and caregivers ...
Tuning in to Teens™ (TINT)
Parents and caregivers of children and adolescents aged 10-18 years.
Undoing Racism® – non-responder [The People's Institute]
Employees of organizations that work with people who are a different race or ethnicity
Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Adolescents (UP-A) – non-responder
Adolescents with emotional disorders
Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Children (UP-C) – non-responder
Children diagnosed with anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive, depression, and related emotional disorders
Visit Coaching
Parents whose child(ren) are living in foster care and see them only during visits
Voices Lite
School- and justice-referred girls ages 12-17
Voices: A Program of Self-Discovery and Empowerment for Girls
Females 12 - 24 years old with substance abuse and/or trauma
Watch, Wait, and Wonder (WWW) – non-responder
Parents and their children who are experiencing relational and developmental difficulties
We Thinkers! Curriculum Series
Children ages 4-7+ with social learning differences who are considered neurodivergent, including autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioral diagnoses, and/...
What's Good About Anger? 6-16 Week Anger Management Group
Adults dealing with anger mismanagement issues; court or employer-ordered and self-referrals; program has also been used with adolescents and couples ...
When Children Abuse
Children from 5 to 12 years of age who have been identified by any number of sources for exhibiting inappropriate sexual behavior ...
Who Do You Tell?™ – non-responder
Children from kindergarten to grade 6
WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach (WPW RP Approach)
Parents (biological, foster, or adoptive) who are raising children who have experienced significant trauma
Woman's Way through The Twelve Steps, A A Woman's Way through The Twelve Steps
Women and teenage girls with addictive disorders
Working Successfully with Parents with IDD [Parents with Intellectual Disabilities, Parents with Mild Cognitive Impairments]
Individuals with a background in working with families including, but not limited to, attorneys, social workers, nurses, health care professionals, ...
Works Wonders®
Adolescents/young adults ages 14-26 with a history of child welfare, juvenile justice involvement, or housing instability/homelessness
Designed for children and youth with severe emotional, behavioral, or mental health difficulties and their families where the child/youth ...
Wyman's Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®)
Male and female adolescents in grades 6-12 who may come from disadvantaged circumstances
Wyman’s Teen Connection Project (TCP)
Adolescents in grades 9-12
Your Safe Place (YSP) – A Family Justice Center [San Diego Family Justice Center]
Anyone who has experienced domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, or sex trafficking and their affected children ages 5 ...
YouROK, Helping Foster Youth Successfully Transition to Adulthood
Youth in the system, ages 9 to 19 years, and the social workers and foster parents who care for them
Youth Acceptance Project, The (YAP)The Youth Acceptance Project
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ) and gender expansive children and youth ages 3-21 years old who are involved in ...
Youth Message Development (YMD)
Adolescents 12-17 years old
YouthBuild – non-responder
Low-income young people who need assistance obtaining their high school diploma or equivalency credentials and job skills
youthSpark Voices
Girls ages 12-17 who are deemed high risk for child sex trafficking involvement
From this page, you can access all of the programs on the CEBC. The same program may be listed multiple times if they are, or have been, known by different names.
If the program has "non-responder" following its name, the program representative was unresponsive to our requests for program information.
Programs with abbreviations have them in parentheses after the name. Former program names are listed in brackets following the new program name.