Topic: Interventions for Neglect
Definition for Interventions for Neglect:
Interventions for Neglect are defined by the CEBC as programs that address a parent's failure to provide for a child's basic needs. Neglect may be physical (e.g., failure to provide necessary food or shelter, or lack of appropriate supervision); medical (e.g., failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment); educational (e.g., failure to educate a child or attend to special education needs); and/or emotional (e.g., inattention to a child's emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care, or permitting the child to use alcohol or other drugs).
These situations do not always mean a child is neglected. Sometimes cultural values, the standards of care in the community, and poverty may be contributing factors, indicating the family is in need of information or assistance. When a family fails to use information and resources, and the child's health or safety is at risk, then child welfare intervention may be required. The following link gives more information on this topic area as it is defined by the U.S. government:
- Target population: Families with children whose basic needs are not being met
- Services/types that fit: Typically outpatient services, with individual, group, or family formats; services may be delivered in the home. Services may include assessment, case planning, case management, education, and/or skill building
- Delivered by: Child welfare staff, mental health professionals, or trained paraprofessionals
- In order to be included: Program must specifically target child neglect as a goal
- In order to be rated: There must be research evidence (as specified by the Scientific Rating Scale) that examines neglect-related outcomes, such as reductions in out-of-home placement or recurrence of neglect or maltreatment, or outcomes for children and/or parents, such changes in behavior, symptom levels, and/or functioning.
Programs in this Topic Area
The programs listed below have been reviewed by the CEBC and, if appropriate, been rated using the Scientific Rating Scale.
Topic Expert
The Interventions for Neglect topic area was added in 2008. Mark Chaffin, PhD was the topic expert and was involved in identifying and rating any of the programs with an original load date in 2008 (as found on the bottom of the program's page on the CEBC) or others loaded earlier and added to this topic area when it launched. The topic area has grown over the years and any programs added since 2008 were identified by CEBC staff, the Scientific Panel, and/or the Advisory Committee. For these programs, Dr. Chaffin was not involved in identifying or rating them.