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- Parents, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and other caretakers working with childrenScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Fathers with children age 18 or younger; designed for custodial and noncustodial fathers with instructions on how to deliver it most ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Young people and parents (biological, foster, kinship, and adoptive) receiving services in the child welfare systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Casework Practice - Children ages 0-17 who have just entered or re-entered foster care and their familiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Permanency Enhancement Interventions for Adolescents - Parents and their children ages 5 to 8 who are entering kindergarten and early elementary schoolScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect - Parents of children and adolescents, aged 9 to 14 years oldScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Adults with depression; has also been used with adults with a variety of other mental health disorders and behavioral problemsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Across Ages – non-responderYouth ages 9 to 13 who are at a high-risk for substance abuseScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Parents and caregivers (e.g., grandparents and other relatives raising young children, foster parents, and adoptive parents) of children birth ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - 9 to 14-year olds who are depressed.Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents and caregivers of children ages 5 to 12Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents and caregivers of preteens and teens ages 10 to 17 with a wide range of problems including oppositional behavior, poor self-esteem, ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents and caregivers of youth ages 12-14Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adolescents aged 12 to 25 with substance abuse issuesScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - High school aged (13-19) adolescents with depressionScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - First-time pregnant and parenting youth aged 12 to 19 years old, and who must be enrolled in school or a GED-completion program ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Adolescent-Focused Family Behavior Therapy (Adolescent FBT)Youth (11-17) with drug abuse and dependence, as well as other co-existing problemsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Adult-Focused Family Behavior Therapy (Adult-Focused FBT)Adults with drug abuse and dependence, as well as other co-existing problems such as depression, family dysfunction, trauma, child maltreatment, ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, etc.) youth and young adults ages 12-21Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Aggressive and violent adolescents, 13 to 18 years of ageScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - School-aged children with autism with behaviors of concern and their parentsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)Adults who have identified themselves as alcoholics and are trying to maintain sobrietyScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Children and adolescents with learning disabilities from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or similar to FASD; and their parents/caregivers [...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Child welfare agenciesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Youth in 6th gradeScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adult men and women who have difficulties managing their anger in their intimate relationships, including individuals who have been court-ordered ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Batterer Intervention Programs - Caregiver and their child between the ages 5 and 17 years whose family struggles with conflict and/or coercion due to parent, ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults who need help with managing their anger; program has also been used with adolescentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Adults referred for intimate partner related violence or anger management issues, either court-ordered (civil or criminal), as well as voluntary ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Batterer Intervention Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Primarily young people aged 11-25, particularly those experiencing grief due to the loss of a loved one, and their families ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Foster and other resource caregivers for youth age birth-18 yearsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Arkansas Center for Addictions Research, Education, and Services (Arkansas CARES) – non-responderMothers with dual diagnosis of substance abuse and mental health problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Caregivers of infants 6 months to 2 years old who have experienced early adversityScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Children/adolescents/young adults (0-21 years) who have experienced chronic/complex trauma and their caregiving systems (e.g., primary, resource, ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Organizational systems (e.g., residential programs, schools, group homes, hospital settings, etc.) working with and supporting children/adolescents/young adults (0...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescents and young adults (12-26) with elevated depression symptoms, clinically diagnosed major depressive disorder, suicidal ideation and behaviors, dispositional anxiety, ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Availability, Responsiveness, and Continuity (ARC) – non-responderChild welfare and mental health agenciesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Parents/primary caregivers with children from birth to age three, pregnant women and/or partners of pregnant women, especially those ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Depressed adults including those with substance abuse problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Youth aged 6 to 21 years who are currently in or have been in the child welfare systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Communities across 5 regions that cover 14 geographic areas in Los Angeles County where low birth rate, low performing schools and poverty ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Place-based Initiatives (Child & Adolescent) - Youth and young adults in foster care, including youth with disabilities and/or mental health conditions, who are: 1) in their ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Beyond Violence (BV)Women in criminal justice settings (jails, prisons, and community corrections) with histories of anger, aggression and/or violenceScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Youth aged 5-18 seeking additional support from a caring adult who guides them through goal-setting activities and relationship building skills ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescents ages 13-19 with elevated depressive symptomsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adolescent girls 14-18 yearsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Children and/or students ages 3-8 years old and their parents and/or teachersScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Boot Camp for New Dads® (BCND)Dads-to-be in the months surrounding their baby’s birthScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Botvin LifeSkills Training Middle School Program – non-responderYouth in grades 6-9Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Children in elementary school grades Kindergarten through 5th grade (ages 5-11) who have experienced traumatic eventsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescents aged 14-18 in need of residential placement, who have fallen into trouble in the community with behavior characterized by ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Boys Town In-Home Family Services (BT-IHFS)Families with children ages 0-17 at-risk of out-of-home placementScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Adult patients suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); developed for police officers, now used for all kinds of patients with ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Brief Strategic Family Therapy® (BSFT®)Families with maladaptive interactions resulting in at least one youth aged 6-18 years with externalizing (e.g., substance abuse, delinquency, ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - BrightLife Kids – non-responderChildren 5-12 and parents/caregivers of children 0-12Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Typically developing school-aged children diagnosed with childhood anxiety disorders (6-11 years old) and their familiesScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents who had their first child prior to 21 years of age, and who are experiencing economic challenges (e.g., eligible ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect - Families at high risk for abuse or neglect with children aged 0-17 or a primary caregiver or caregivers of at ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Adolescents with anxietyScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescents 13+ years old who are considering self-harmScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Child care staff, clinical staff, and agency administrators working with 6- to 20-year-old children and youth living in foster, group, ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Caring Adults 'R' Everywhere (C.A.R.E.)Youth ages 18-21 who are currently living in out-of-home child welfare placements (e.g., foster care, group homes, residential care)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Fathers (including biological, step, and common-law) who have who have physically abused, emotionally abused, or neglected their children; exposed their ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - All workers in the helping professions who labor in trauma-exposed environments including direct service workers and support staffScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Families dealing with, or at high risk for, a multitude of problems: substance use disorders (SUD); multigenerational trauma; and compromised ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect - Adults who have experienced psychological trauma though it can be used with adults suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, or chronic ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Children ages 3-18 years who have experienced trauma and, optionally, their caregiversScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults who have anger control and/or communication problems; can also be used with adolescentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Chicago Parent Program (CPP)Parents of young children 2-5 years old; may be used with parents/caregivers of children 6-8 years oldScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Child Advocacy Studies (CAST)Undergraduate/graduate students and frontline professionals seeking continuing educationScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Children ages 7-18 recently exposed to a potentially traumatic event, or having recently disclosed physical or sexual abuse, and endorsing ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children prenatal to 5 years old and their parents/caregivers who are at risk of or have experienced child abuse, neglect, ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Children/Adolescents ages 5-17 who reside in therapeutic or residential placement facilitated by child welfare and have an Axis I ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Permanency Enhancement Interventions for Adolescents - Professionals working in the child welfare systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Children ages 3 to 10 who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioral, and relational problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Children ages 3-10 who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioral and relational problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children - Children 9-18 years of age that have been freed for adoption or with a plan for adoption with an emphasis ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Permanency Enhancement Interventions for Adolescents - Children age 0-5, who have experienced a trauma, and their caregiversScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Parents of children ages 3- 8 with behavioral, emotional, social, or attachment disordersScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Attachment Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Childhelp® Speak Up Be Safe (CHSUBS)Children in grades prekindergarten to 12 (ages 4-18)Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Children of the Night – non-responderChildren who have been sexually exploited as prostitutesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program: School-age ProgramChildren (boys and girls ages 6 to 12 years of age) with sexual behavior problems and their caregiversScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children) - Students and their families from disadvantaged urban, rural and suburban neighborhoods; youth may come from single-parent homes and reside in ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Graduating Bachelor-level students, recent Bachelor- or Master-level graduates, young professionals, career changers, individuals looking to start a career that makes ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Youth in middle school who do not use substances or may be starting to use substances, approximately ages 11-14Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Parents or individuals in a parenting role for children ages 0-18 years and their children ages birth to 12Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Partner Programs for Families Involved in the Child Welfare System
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Circle of Security Parenting (COSP)Groups of caregivers (parents, foster/adoptive parents, and early learning providers) of infants, toddlers, and children younger than 6 years old; ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Youth serving organizations with professionals, paraprofessionals, and all others who work in settings where adults and children and/or adolescents ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Circles® Curriculum – non-responderSpecial needs studentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Youth 9 through 18 years of age who have serious mental/behavioral health problems, have been identified by a qualified professional as ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Click Path to Protection – non-responderStaff at police, children’s services, education, health, legal/judicial, and nongovernmental organizationsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Structures, institutions, and existing leaders in communities that desire to reduce underage drinking by youth who are 13-20 years of ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Child welfare professionals who are interested in issues pertaining to workforce developmentScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Chronically depressed adultsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - 3rd through 8th grade students who screened positive for exposure to a traumatic event and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults (18 and over) diagnosed with a mood disorder, including Unipolar Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, and ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Adults who have experienced a traumatic event and are currently suffering from the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Cognitive Therapy (CT)Adults with mental health disorders including depression, anger, and anxiety among others - the program is also designed to include ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Children ages 4-14 who experience oppositional episodes and their parentsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Children and adolescents (ages 3-21) with a variety of behavioral challenges, including both externalizing (e.g., aggression, defiance, tantrums) and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Children ages 3-17 and their parents (or caregivers) in families where parents engage in a continuum of coercive parenting strategies ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children/adolescents ages 7-17 and their caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Common Sense Parenting® (CSP)Parents and other caregivers of children ages 6-16 yearsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Communities in Schools (CIS) – non-responderAdolescents, especially those at-risk, and youth-serving organizationsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Communities that Care (CTC) – non-responderCommunities where there are struggling familiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Place-based Initiatives (Child & Adolescent) - Designed for and tested with survivors of domestic abuse who have utilized shelters. Can be expanded to non-shelter users.Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children - Community Reinforcement + Vouchers Approach (CRA + Vouchers)Adults age 18 or older with a diagnosis of cocaine abuse or dependenceScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Individuals ages 18 and over who have a primary diagnosis of any Substance-Related Disorder (DSM-IV-R); individuals with co-occurring disorders also respond ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Community Resiliency Model (CRM®)Staff and other workers exposed to trauma; can also be used with adults (ages 18+) including parents/caregivers of infants and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Staff and practitioners (e.g., support staff, caseworkers, social workers, supervisors, managers, administrators, directors, etc.)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Pregnant and/or parenting adolescents ages 18 and youngerScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Caregivers (biological parents, foster parents, kinship caregivers, etc.) of preadolescents (ages 8-12) and adolescents ages (13-19)Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Youth 11-15 years old currently in foster or relative care and their caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Children and young adolescents suffering anxiety disorders who are unable to attend standard clinical practiceScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Children and adolescents suffering anxiety disordersScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents of 12- to 36-month-olds who are having challenges with toddler behaviourScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Children experiencing problematic levels of anxietyScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - 8 to 14 year old children whose aggression puts them at risk for later delinquencyScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Prospective and current parents who are, or will be, raising older children from foster care (ages 10 or older) who have ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Children adopted from foster care or foreign orphanages or biological children who have failed to develop secure attachmentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Attachment Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Youth, ages 12-21 years old who are sex trafficking victimsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Adults ages 18 and above who have experienced trauma and addictionScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Children ages 9-17 in age appropriate groupings (e.g. ages 9-12, 13-15, or 15-17) and their parents, guardians, or other ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Men and others in parental roles with children ages 0-25Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - A child welfare agency and juvenile justice department serving the same youth or youth at risk of becoming involved in ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Casework Practice - Cue-Centered Therapy (CCT)Youth ages 8-18 with a chronic history of trauma, adversity, and ongoing stressScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Families with children ages 0-17 at risk of involvement or currently involved with the child welfare system including birth parents, ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Youth 11-18 years of age and their family members of all ages (including siblings)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents/Caregivers and their young children (0-3)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - African-American families at risk for child maltreatmentScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - For parents of Latino descent who are raising children in the United States, both Spanish and English speakersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Parents of children (2-12 years old) who are experiencing behavior or emotional problemsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Parents of children ages 4-12 years who are defiant or who may qualify for a diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder (...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Design Team – non-responderChild welfare agenciesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Individuals or organizations who work with parents with intellectual disabilitiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) – non-responderChronically suicidal youth with behaviors found in borderline personality disorder (BPD)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - DIRFloortime® – non-responderChildren with a wide range of emotional, sensory, regulatory, motor, learning, and developmental challenges including having an autism spectrum disorderScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adult males who are both court-ordered (civil or criminal) and voluntary participantsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Batterer Intervention Programs - Families with children from birth to 18 years old living in home that have reported incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV) ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children - Families with children/teens with disorders of attachment and trauma. Typically adopted and foster children, those who meet the DSM-V ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Attachment Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children birth to age five in early care and education settings and their caregiving adults (e.g., family caregivers and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Early Head Start (EHS) – non-responderScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Early Pathways Program (EPP)Children 6 years of age and younger with significant behavior and/or emotional problems including trauma and their primary caretaker(s)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Children and adolescents ages 6-12 and their parents/guardiansScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents of a newborn (usually up to 12 months of age) and/or parents in the antenatal period facing multiple disadvantagesScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect - Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) – non-responderParents of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Families living in rural, geographically isolated communitiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Substance-abusing runaway adolescents (12-17) and their family members who are willing to have the adolescents live in their homesScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Edgewood Kinship Support Network – non-responderKinship caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Emerge Program, The – non-responderPeople who have abused their relationship partners and people in potentially abusive relationshipsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Batterer Intervention Programs - Emotion-Focused Training for Helping Professionals (EFT-HP) – non-responderAny helping professionalScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Children 8 to 12 years and their parents/caregiversScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Ending The Game (ETG)Victims/survivors of commercial sexual exploitation ages 13 and olderScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Children/adolescents between 6 and 18 years of age whose parents are divorcing or separating parents (program is provided to the parents)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adolescents (12-19) with eating disordersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - All public and private child welfare staff (primarily caseworkers and supervisors)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Adoptive parents who have recently had a child from the foster care system placed with them; the child should be ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Post-Permanency Services - Families must have at least one child age birth through 17 years in the home (services may also be offered prenatally), ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect - Adults who experience the world from a male perspective and have experienced traumaScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Children ages 10-18 years old who have been in out-of-home care for over 15 months; the program will also work with ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Permanency Enhancement Interventions for Adolescents - Adults who have experienced trauma and may experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), post-traumatic stress, phobias, and other mental health disordersScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Children and adolescents who have experienced trauma; research has been conducted on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), posttraumatic stress, phobias, and ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Teens (13 to 18 years of age) with emotional and behavior problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - The parents of Hispanic adolescents between 12-16 years old and the adolescentsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents with parental rights for at least one of their minor children, in utero to age 17, who have been referred ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Parents receiving methadone treatment and their children ages 5-14Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Families and referred children who are at-risk as a result of family conflict, lack of parenting skills, child abuse, childhood ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Children who are at high risk of removal from their families due to abuse or neglectScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Children aged 3 to 12 years old with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and their caregiversScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) ages 4 to 8 and their parents/caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Families separated by court order and involved in the state’s child welfare systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Family Acceptance Project® (FAP) Family Support Model – non-responderEthnically and religiously diverse families with a LGBT childScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Adolescents aged 14 to 19 who are currently in foster care and who will likely transition out of care to interdependent adult ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Families with an accepted child maltreatment report that does not allege sexual abuse or substantial child endangerment (as defined by ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Families with members at imminent risk of placement into, or needing intensive services to return from, treatment facilities, foster care, ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Family Check-Up (FCU)Caregivers of children 2-17 years old in the middle class or lower socioeconomic levelScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Family Connections (FC)Families at risk for child maltreatmentScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Casework Practice
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Children and youth (birth through young adulthood), who have been disconnected from their families by virtue of placement outside of ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Permanency Enhancement Interventions for Adolescents
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Expectant mothers and fathersScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect - Family Group Decision Making (FGDM)Children who are abused/neglected and their family groupsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Adolescent mothers ages 13-17 years and their infants ages birth-2 years in high-risk neighborhoodsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Parents of children birth to five years oldScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Parents of adolescents 12-14 years of ageScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Any at-risk or young adult mother (under age 25 years) who is pregnant (ideally 28 weeks gestation or sooner) and/or has ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Adolescents with bipolar disorder and their family membersScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Bipolar Disorder Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Caregivers (e.g., biological, foster, relative, adoptive) of children from birth to18 years of age whose trauma histories and present ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children at high-risk of conduct problems beginning at age 6-7 (1st grade) through age 15/16 (Grade 10)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Children in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade and their familiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Low-income fathers, primarily noncustodialScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Father/Male Involvement Preschool Teacher Education Program – non-responderPreschool teachersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Children and adolescents with disorders and problems involving anxiety (including obsessive compulsive disorder [OCD]), depression, misconduct, and posttraumatic stressScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Adults who have been treated unjustly and have residual anger, anxiety, depression, and/or low self-esteemScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - FORWARD Program – non-responderFormer foster youth, orphans, and wards of the state who desire to pursue higher educationScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Foster youth, K-12 gradesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Current or former foster youth interested in, or already attending, a community collegeScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Preadolescent children (ages 9-11) who have current or previous child welfare involvement due to one or more adverse childhood experiences (...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Birth and foster parents with young children (between 6 months and 6 years) in foster care who are beginning visitationScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Transitional age youth (ages 16-25) who have experienced foster care, homelessness, or who identify as independentScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs -® (FPC)Resource parents (foster, adoptive, and kinship) of children ages 0-18; can be used by social workers and other professionals who ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Newly hired child welfare professionalsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Prospective foster, adoptive, and kinship parents of children in all age groupsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Adolescents ages 14-18 who had had a first-time alcohol or drug-related offense; can also be provided to teens in this ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Youth ages 8-17 (referred by teachers, counselors, probation officers, county mental health, child protective/welfare services, or other youth-serving professionals) ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Friends of the Children (FOTC)Children ages 4-6 years who are at serious risk of entering or reentering foster care, and/or who are already ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - 11-18 year olds with very serious problems such as conduct disorder, violent acting-out, and substance abuseScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Functional Family Therapy Child Welfare® (FFT - CW®)Children and adolescents up to 17 years of age and their parent/caregivers and other family members who were referred to ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - GEMS (Girls Educational and Mentoring Services) – non-responderGirls and young women who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic traffickingScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network) – non-responderMiddle school and high school students, especially those identifying as LGBTQ+Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Parents of children/youth 2-18 years of age with disruptive behaviors such as conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and anti-social ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Vulnerable populations such as foster/adopted children, aging out foster youth, women ages 21-25 years that were foster children and ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Georgia Child Welfare Employee Selection Protocol (ESP) – non-responderChild welfare applicantsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - GoFAR – non-responderParents and children ages 4 to 9 years old with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) whom have problems with self-regulation and adaptive ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation, The (GLM) – non-responderScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - GrandFamilies House – non-responderFamilies where the grandparents are raising their grandchildrenScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - GrandParent Family Apartments – non-responderOlder relatives (usually grandparents) who are raising children under 18 years of ageScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Grandparent-headed household families at risk for child maltreatmentScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Grandparents as Parents – non-responderRelative caregivers who have taken on the role of parent to their child relativeScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Children who are experiencing grief and posttraumatic stressScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Child(ren) 0-47 months old and their parent(s) who has experienced significant trauma, who has mental health challenges, and/...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Emancipated foster youth from the State of California motivated to obtain a college education from ages 17 to 23Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Guiding Good Choices® (GGC)Parents of adolescents and young teensScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Providers and staff working with children and adolescents (age 3 years and up) across the entire spectrum of human services including ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Happiest Baby, The (THB)New parents, grandparents, teachers and healthcare professionalsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ) – non-responderCommunities experiencing povertyScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Place-based Initiatives (Child & Adolescent) - Headspace – non-responderUniversity students as well as other young adultsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Families with challenging children from 5 to 14 years of age struggling with attachment or adoption issues and the professionals who work ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Attachment Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults who experience the world from a female perspective and have experienced traumaScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Parents with learning difficulties who are the main caregivers of a child less than five years oldScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Healthy Families America (HFA)Parents/caregivers (adolescents or adults who are pregnant or parenting) and their children ages 0-5 years old (with no minimum ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Men with substance use disordersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Parents of children (age 3-8 years old) who are noncompliant and have related disruptive behavior/conduct problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Adult women with addictive disorders and a trauma history (e.g., abuse, domestic violence, community violence, etc.)Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Hitkashrut – non-responderFamilies with children who are showing early signs of conduct problem developmentScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents who have young children and have limited formal education and resourcesScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Families with children (birth to 18) at imminent risk of placement into, or needing intensive services to return from, foster care, ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Neglect
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Post-Permanency Services
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Post-Reunification Services - Domestic victims of sex trafficking ages 12-17Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Sexually reactive children (age 12 and up) and sexually abusive children and adolescents; also used for adult sexual offendersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Adolescents) - I Can Problem Solve (ICPS)Low- and middle-income 4-12 year old students, including African-Americans, Caucasians, Hispanic, and Asian populationsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - At-risk children ages 6-12 with a history of trauma or lossScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - State child welfare social workers and agencies serving Native American youth in child welfare, Native American children and families, and ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Children 3-8 years of ageScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents/caregivers of young children (ages 3-6 ) in higher risk families or who are exhibiting high rates of conduct problems, ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Teachers of children 3-8 years of age and the children in their classroomScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Refer to the specific curriculum below for its target population.
- Foster youth ages 16 to 21, can be teen parentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - All families with in-home cases where the department (and the court, when applicable) believes that the child (birth to 18) can ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Children aged 7-14 with major mood disorders (depressive and bipolar spectrum) and their parentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Bipolar Disorder Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Incarcerated fathers with children 18 years old and younger, designed specifically for the issues/challenges faced by incarcerated fathers (e.g., ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Adolescents and young adults who have been multiply traumatizedScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children and adolescents ages 5-18 years of age (allowable up to age 21 with approval) with high behavioral health needs requiring ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs - Parents of children, ages 3-18, with either mental health disorders or intellectual disabilitiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Adults with major depressionScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Caregivers and their children ages 3-18 burdened by the symptoms and behaviors of unresolved impact of historical or recent traumatic ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults with depressionScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Adolescents ages 12-18 years old suffering from nonpsychotic depression who can be treated on a once-a-week outpatient basisScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescents, 12-16 years old, with elevated depression symptomsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Children aged 7-12 years who have sexual behavior problems and their parent(s)/caretakersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children) - Parents involved with Department of Human Services’ Child Protective ServicesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Partner Programs for Families Involved in the Child Welfare System
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs - Families involved in the child welfare system, receiving supervised visitation services following the child/children’s removal from the ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Noncustodial young incarcerated fathers of children between the ages of 2 months and 3 years; can also be used with incarcerated young ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Parents of children and young people in long-term out-of-home care who have supervised contact with themScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Visitation Programs - Caregivers of children 4 to 12 years of age in foster or kinship care placementsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Caregivers of youth 10 to 18 years of age in foster or kinship care placements and the youth themselvesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - keepin' it REAL (kiR)Children and adolescents 10 to 13 years oldScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents of children birth-18 years of age who are engaged in chronic medium to high conflict postseparationScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - KIDNET – non-responderRefugee children suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children ages 6-12 and their mothers exposed to intimate partner violence in the last yearScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children - Kids in Transition to School (KITS)Foster children and other children at high risk for school difficulties who are entering kindergartenScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Kin as Teachers (KAT) – non-responderRelative caregivers raising children from birth to kindergarten entryScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Kinship Care Connection (KCC) – non-responderChildren and their kin caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Potential and current kinship caregivers such as grandparents, other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), and "fictive kin," (...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Kinship Education Preparation and Support (KEPS) – non-responderFormal kinship caregivers in a large urban cityScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Informal and formal kinship families, relatives, and nonrelatives raising children who are not being raised by parentsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Kinship caregivers, such as grandparents, other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), and fictive kin," who are raising children (...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Kinship caregivers, such as grandparents, other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), and "fictive kin," who are raising ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Grandparents and other relatives (aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc.), ages 18 and over, who are raising children because the children’...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Post-Permanency Services
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Kinship caregivers (relatives and fictive kin) of children involved in child welfare systems (children aged 0 to 18), regardless of custody status ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Schoolchildren between 7 and 16 years of ageScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Emancipating foster care youth ages 18-24, including pregnant and parenting youthScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - LEAP Preschool – non-responderChildren with and without disabilities within an inclusive early childhood environmentScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Learning Circles – non-responderScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Youth aged 12-18Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Children ages 0-18 who exhibit behavioral problems and their caregiver (biological, adoptive, or foster)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Parents with children ages 0-17 at risk of having their children enter foster care or who are in the process ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reunification Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Post-Reunification Services - Adults working and living with children and youth who escalate incidents into no-win power struggles, distort reality, are self-abusive, engage ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Young adults between the ages 17 and 22 who are leaving the foster care, juvenile justice, and/or mental health systemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Adolescents and young adults, 12-23 years old, who are in foster care or in transitional livingScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Lovaas Model of Applied Behavior Analysis – non-responderChildren between the ages of two and eight who have developmental delaysScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Young people and young parents ages 14-25Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Magnolia Place Community Initiative (MCI) – non-responderCommunities in economically challenged areasScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Place-based Initiatives (Child & Adolescent) - Highly stressed families with children ages 0 to 8 years at risk for abuse or neglectScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect - Making Proud Choices! – non-responderYoung adolescentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Child welfare organizations and other human service programs concerned with the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of service recipients and ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Recently hired public child welfare workers across Maryland’s 24 jurisdictionsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Massachusetts Adolescent Outreach Program for Youths in Intensive Foster Care (MA Outreach) – non-responderYouth in foster care who will be aging out of the foster care system or recently haveScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Children ages 3-10 with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their caregiversScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescents with substance abuse disordersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Adults with substance abuse disordersScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Children in grades K-5, their parents/guardians, and personnel at the children’s schoolScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Youth in grades 6-12, their parents/guardians, and personnel at the youth’s schoolScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Disadvantaged families with mothers with children eighteen months old and younger; families can include teenage parents, parents with mental health ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Families with children ages 0-17 being reunified from foster care or relative placementScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reunification Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Post-Reunification Services - Families, specifically parents and their infants/toddlers ages 0 (during pregnancy) to 36 months, who present with challenges to the parent-child relationship, ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Urban American Indian/Alaska Native teens 14-18Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Adults (between 18-70 years old) who have suffered three or more prior episodes of major depressionScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult) - Children ages 8- to 12-years old with anxiety or depression; can be modified for both younger and older childrenScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Anxiety Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents in the welfare system/Child Protection System with children in the home or in an out-of-home placementScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - African American children and families involved with the child welfare systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - American Indian and Alaskan Native children and familiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Children, adolescents, and foster familiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Permanency Enhancement Interventions for Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH-ADTC)Children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 15 with anxiety, depression, conduct problems, and/or traumatic stress and their caregiversScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Modular Evidence-Based Practices for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (MEYA) – non-responderYouth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Mothers (e.g., biological, adoptive, foster, etc.) of child(ren) ages 0 (during pregnancy) to 6 years, where the mothers are experiencing ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Adults who are both caregivers of young children (aged 0-5 years) and in treatment for, or recovery from, a substance ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting, and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth (MISSSEY) – non-responderCommercially sexually exploited youth 11-18 years of ageScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Caregivers of children referred to the child welfare system, has been used with adolescentsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Motivation and Engagement Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Children aged 8-12 with major mood disorders (depressive and bipolar spectrum) and their parentsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Bipolar Disorder Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents with children from birth to 18 who have come to the attention of, or are involved with, the child welfare ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Motivation and Engagement Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Adolescents 11 to 18 with the following symptoms or problems: substance use or at risk, delinquent/conduct disorder, school and other behavioral ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - High-risk juvenile criminalsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Multisystemic Therapy (MST)Youth, 12 to 17 years old, with possible substance abuse issues who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to antisocial or ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Families who have come to the attention of Child Protective Services within the past 180 days due to the physical abuse ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - Youth between 10 and 17.5 years of age (and their families) when the youth has engaged in sexually abusive behavior toward others; ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Adolescents)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - Families who are involved with child welfare services due to physical abuse and/or neglect plus parental substance misuseScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - My First Place (MFP)Youth/young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 who are in or emancipating from child welfare systems throughout the United ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Parents whose children (aged 0-18) have been removed into the child protection system; either permanently or temporarilyScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Youth and young adults, ages 15-19, in foster care who are able to go into the community with their program ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Girls ages 12-18 who have been exploited or are at high risk of being exploitedScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - MyPath Savings – non-responderYouth participating in youth workforce programsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Adult survivors of organized violence, war, conflict, torture, man-made and natural disasters, civil trauma as well as childhood sexual/physical ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Frontline family workers from government, private, and not-for-profit agencies as well as business and large corporationsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Casework Practice - Sibling groups of 2 or more children from infancy through seventeen years of age who are in the custody of the ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Staff working in child welfare settings, human services, health care facilities, and educatorsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)First time, low-income mothers (adolescents and adults, with no set maximum age) and their infants ages birth-2 yearsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Families who had been reported to the child welfare system for child maltreatment including physical and emotional maltreatment in addition ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - Parents of families who have been reported to the child welfare system for child maltreatment including physical and emotional maltreatment ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - Parents who are in substance abuse treatment and recovery; and may have current or past mental health issues and/or ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Families with children prenatal to age 19 who have already experienced or are at higher risk for child maltreatment and other ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - Students in elementary, middle, and high schoolsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - On the Way Home (OTWH)Middle and high school students (12-18) with, or at-risk for, emotional and behavioral disorders transitioning from residential placements back into ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Post-Reunification Services - Young people transitioning from foster care; specifically, young people 14-26 years old who have spent at least one day in ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center (ORPARC)State adoptive families, Guardianship families, kinship families, families who have adopted children through any state foster care system, and resource (...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Post-Permanency Services - Parents/caregivers of children or adolescents (ages 6 to18) at-risk for or having a serious emotional disorder.Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Motivation and Engagement Programs - Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.)Parents of children ages 0 to 18 with communication and behavior problemsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents of what are collectively referred to as "strong-willed," or out-of-control adolescents and older children (11-17 years old), ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Families with at least one child aged 10 or younger, or pregnant, who are identified as being exposed to two or ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Pregnant or parenting mothers (up to 12 months postpartum) who have alcohol and/or drug use disorders and their children 0 to 3.Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Parent-Child Care (PC-CARE)Caregiver and child age 1-10 years who has or is at high-risk of developing behavior problems or who is adjusting ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Children ages 2.0 - 7.0 years old with behavior and parent-child relationship problems; may be conducted with parents, foster parents, or other ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Families with two- and three-year-old children (families may enter the program with children as young as 16-months) who face multiple ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - 3- to 5-year-old children enrolled in pre-K programs, their families, and pre-K educators and staffScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA)Grandparents and other kinship caregivers who are not the biological parents of the child in their careScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Parenting Inside Out (PIO)Criminal-justice and systems-involved parents (e.g., incarcerated, substance abuse, child welfare) of children ages 0-19 who may be at risk ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents, grandparents, and other caretakers raising childrenScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Parents of children/youth ages 2-18 at risk for or presenting with behavior problemsScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parenting Together Project (PTP) – non-responderCouples that just became first-time parents and could use assistance in developing the father’s role in parenthoodScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Families with children at risk for or with: behavior problems, substance abuse problems, or delinquencyScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Children and adolescents aged 10-18 who have severe emotional and behavioral problems (e.g., conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parenting Young Children (PYC)Parents with learning difficulties who are the main caregivers of a child aged six months through six years oldScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Foster and adopted children 6 to 12 years of age with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and their parents/caregiversScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Parents, grandparents, relative and kin providers, foster parents, or anyone serving in a parenting or caregiver role and children and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Partner Programs for Families Involved in the Child Welfare System
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Parents/Caregivers who are expecting a child or have a child who has not begun KindergartenScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Parents as Tender Healers (PATH) – non-responderScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Parents Under Pressure (PuP) – non-responderFamilies with mental health challenges including trauma, substance misuse, family conflict, and severe financial stressScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Parents/caregivers of children from birth through three years of ageScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Universal populations (all children) including those with more serious behavior problems and/or cognitive challengesScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adolescent males and females with sexual behavior problems, ages 12-18Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Adolescents) - PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG)Children in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 6thScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - All mothers, fathers, and secondary caregivers of infants up to 2 years of age as well as society in general in ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Prospective adoptive parents and caregivers (e.g., grandparents and other relatives raising young children, foster parents, and adoptive parents) of ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Physical/Psychological Management Training Restraining Training Programs (PMT) – non-responderProfessionals who work in an environment with the potential of a variety of crisis episodes with adolescentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) – non-responderNonverbal individuals including preschool students diagnosed with autismScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Pivotal Response Treatment® (PRT®) – non-responderChildren diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Children 5 -15 months and their familiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Children 18 months to 4 years and their familiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being - Students in 3rd through 5th gradeScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Positive Action (PA)Kindergarten (age 4-5) through Grade 8 (age 13-14) studentsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents of children and adolescents (birth through 18 years) who are typically developing; and teachers of children (toddlers through adolescence) who ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - The parents and families of middle school-age children (Grade 6-Grade 8); the content is not presented directly to childrenScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) – non-responderAmerican Indian and Alaska Native parentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Casework Practice
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Families headed by parents with intellectual and/or functional limitationsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Positive Peer Culture (PPC)High-risk youth in public, private, and alternative schools, and in residential settings, including juvenile correctionsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Adults with anger regulation problems; program has also been used with adolescentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Preliminary Protective Hearing Benchcard (PPH Benchcard)Judges in the dependency court system where there may be high placement rates into foster care and disparate treatment of ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT)3-6 year old children with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Youth who are 12-18 years old with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. These youth are in need of out-of-home placement ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Prospective treatment foster parents for youth ages 0 to 21 years old with behavioral or emotional issuesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Prospective foster and adoptive parents and experienced foster parents; child welfare professionals who develop, support, and team with resource parentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Children and adolescents aged 8-15 who are depressedScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - 7 to 14 year olds with behavioral problems, particularly children who struggle to handle disappointments, frustrations, or problems calmlyScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Boys and girls ages 3 to 6 years with sexual behavior problems and their caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children) - Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®) for Adolescents – non-responderTeens in middle school or high school who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Progressive Counting (PC)Adults who have experienced trauma; has been used with teens and children ages 6 and upScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Project ALERT – non-responder7th and 8th gradersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - High-risk, substance-affected families involved in the child welfare system that may experience poly-substance abuse and dependence, domestic violence, child abuse ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs - Fathers, significant others, and at-risk childrenScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Grandparent-headed families of grandchildren (ages birth to 16 years) in which the birth parents are absentScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Parents with intellectual and/or significant learning disabilities (ID/LD)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related social communication delays and the children themselvesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Project SUCCESS – non-responderAdolescents and their parentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Project Towards No Drug Abuse (Project TND)High school-aged youth in grades 9-12, between the ages of 14-19 years old, who are at various levels of risk ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adolescents who have experienced a trauma (e.g., sexual assault, car accident, violent crimes, etc.); has also been used with ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults with a variety of traumas such as combat, sexual assault, car accidents, violent crimes, and acts of terrorismScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Caregivers of children birth to five yearsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Children ages birth to 12 and their adult caregiversScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Psychological First Aid (PFA) – non-responderChildren and adolescents in the immediate aftermath of a disaster or terrorismScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Parents, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and other caretakers who need support - information and practical skills - to create an environment ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) – non-responderAdults with anger management issues and possibly other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and relationship problems; can ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Reaching Higher: A Curriculum for Foster/Adoptive Parents and Kinship Caregivers Caring for LGBTQ Youth – non-responderFoster, kinship, adoptive, and guardianship parents providing direct care for LGBTQ youthScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Reaching Higher: Increasing Competency in Practice with LGBTQ Youth in Child Welfare Systems – non-responderChild welfare staff working with LGBTQ youthScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - School-age children between ages 6-12 and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events, have a breakdown in emotionally supportive relationships, and ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults who need help managing their angerScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Recovery Coach (RC)Adults 18 years or older who have a primary substance use disorder (co-occurring conditions are expected)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Reducing the Risk (RTR)High school studentsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) – non-responderChildren and families that face autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and other developmental difficultiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) – non-responderRelative caregivers caring for children outside the foster care systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Families with limited income, raising children birth to age six with multiple stressorsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect - Parents with a history of neglectful and/or abusive behaviors, or who are at risk for abusive or neglectful behaviors, ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Adolescents (12-18 year olds) with multiple problems who have been placed voluntarily or involuntarily in a residential child care facility (...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Child welfare staff, supervisors, and administratorsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Resilience and Coping for the Healthcare Community (RCHC) – non-responderSocial service and health care providers who provide care to children, families, and communities after a natural disasterScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Resilience for Trauma-Informed Professionals (R-TIP) – non-responderAny staff member, supervisor, or administrator who works in a context in which services are provided to trauma-exposed individuals, who ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers of children or adolescents of all ages (0-21 years)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Adolescents between 11 and 15 years of ageScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Respite Center at RISE Wisconsin, The – non-responderParents and caregivers of children ages 0-14Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Youth-serving professionals working with groups of youth exposed to trauma in the mental health, juvenile justice, and education fieldsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Frontline workers in the child protection, juvenile justice, and other social service fieldsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Adults having difficulty managing anger; program has also been used with young children with language skills through teenagersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - LGBTQ+ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning plus others in this community) children/youth 5-17, their caregivers (resource parents, biological ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Former foster youth between 18 and 25 yearsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Trauma-exposed adolescents aged 13-18 years who experience co-occurring trauma-related mental health problems (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], depression), substance ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Organizations with professionals and paraprofessionals, and others who work with survivors (children, adolescents, and adults) of traumatic life events, especially ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Providers working with children and adolescents of all ages (0–1) with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) and their familiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - RUBI Parent Training (RUBI-PT)Caregivers of autistic youth ages 3-14 + across the cognitive and developmental spectrum (i.e., with or without intellectual/developmental delays [...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Infants and toddlers up to age 3 coming under court jurisdiction and their families; and professionals engaged in disciplines touching the ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs - Students in Preschool through Grade 3Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Safe Crisis Management (SCM)Staff members who work with individuals in care or receiving service that may experience crisis and challenging behaviorScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Primary Prevention use: Families with children aged 0-5 years. Secondary Prevention use: Families with children aged 0-5 years who have ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Safe Families for Children (SFFC)Parents in crisis and their children from birth to 18 years of age who are in need of safe place to ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Children in Kindergarten through 3rd gradeScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Parents/caregivers and children (0-17) who are determined by public child welfare agencies to be unsafe with their families and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Parents at-risk for child neglect and/or abuse and parents with a history of child neglect and/or abuseScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Child Well-Being
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Neglect
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Home Visiting Programs for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Interventions for Abusive Behavior - Sexually active female adolescents and young adultsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Children ages 4-11 who have a history of child sexual abuse (CSA) and are exhibiting problematic sexual behavior (PSB)Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children) - Foster Youth attending middle school or high school, 12-17 years old for dependents of Juvenile Court and 18-19 years old ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - This program is not a client-specific intervention, but a full-system approach that targets the entire organization with the intention of ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Children 4-11 years of ageScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - 4- to 5-year-old children in preschoolScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Adolescents with a history of trauma and/or substance abuseScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults who have a history of trauma and/or substance abuseScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Youth aging out of foster care; foster and former foster youth in college 18-25 years oldScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Self-Compassion for Healthcare Communities (SCHC) – non-responderHealthcare professionals, therapists, teachers/educators, caregivers, first responders, leadershipScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Adolescents and young adults who have drug problems, co-occurring mental health issues, trauma, and family issuesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent) - Young people aged 10-18 who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors and their familiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Adolescents) - Parents of children with an intellectual disability who display difficult behavioursScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Children and families where there has been suspected or substantiated child abuse or neglectScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Casework Practice
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Interventions for Neglect
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Motivation and Engagement Programs - Silver Lining Mentoring (SLM)Youth (ages 7+) with current or prior experience in foster careScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Simulation Labs – non-responderNewly hired child welfare workersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - At-risk and adjudicated youth, ages 12-17, with a history of trauma and/or lossScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation plus Modified Prolonged Exposure (STAIR/MPE) – non-responderAdult survivors of childhood or chronic interpersonal violenceScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Boys ages 6 to 11 years old with disruptive behavior problems and their parents/caregiversScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Families with at least one child under 6 years of age who are in the child welfare system and have a ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Family Stabilization Programs - Social Communication Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support (SCERTS) – non-responderChildren with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their familiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Social Decision Making/Problem Solving Program – non-responderStudents in 4th or 5th gradeScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Foster carers (i.e., foster parents) of children from infants to age 18 yearsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Soluna – non-responderCalifornians ages 13 to 25Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Solution-Based Casework (SBC)Families who have an open child welfare case due to allegations of abuse and neglect; also been used with families ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Casework Practice - Parents who have had their children removed from their custody and into foster care by Child Welfare Services (CWS), have ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Children and adolescents who experience trauma, are exposed to natural disasters, or experience chronic pain; also used with adultsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Spark Direct – non-responderAdolescents and young adults with depression (13-25)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Parents with substance abuse issues involved with the child welfare systemScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - SPIN Video Interaction Guidance (SPIN VIG)At-risk children and families, families in conflict, foster parents/children, and adoptive familiesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect - Youth ages 14-18 years oldScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Youth ages 10-14 years oldScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents with learning differences whose children are at risk of being neglected due to parenting skill deficiencies including parents who ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Children (3-12) experiencing posttraumatic stress symptoms and their caregiversScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - First-time low-income mothers of children 0-23 months oldScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs - Staff and volunteers of schools and other youth-serving organizations, parents/caregivers, and concerned adultsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - Male domestic violence offendersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Batterer Intervention Programs - Children and/or adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders (Conduct disorder [CD], Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD], attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]) living ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Parents and their children ages 0-17 who need skills to reduce family conflict and the risk of abuse or neglect, ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - A universal program for families and youth ages 10-14Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Families living in traumatic contexts who are vulnerableScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Stress-Less Initiative (SLI)Any staff member working directly or indirectly with individuals who have experienced trauma.Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Children in grades 3-6Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Depression Treatment (Child & Adolescent) - Parents of children birth to eight years of age who have been placed in out-of-home foster or relative care and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Visitation Programs - African American youth, aged 10-14, and their parents/caregiversScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Families referred to and assessed by child protective service (CPS) agenciesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Traumatized adolescents with a history of exposure to chronic interpersonal trauma (such as ongoing physical abuse) and/or separate types ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Families who have a child leave the foster care system into a permanent placement. For adoptive families, children must have ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Post-Reunification Services - Child welfare supervisors (any division) in Maryland’s Local Departments of Social Services, who have been in their current ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Youth in late elementary school through early high school (ages 10-16) who have experienced traumatic events and who are experiencing ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Support Groups for Grandparent Caregivers of Children with Developmental Disabilities and Delays – non-responderGrandparent caregivers of children with developmental disabilities and delaysScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Kinship Caregiver Support Programs - Youth (male, female, and transgender) under age 18 who have been victims of commercial sexual exploitation or are at-riskScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Primarily low-income familiesScientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Father Involvement Interventions - Children (from birth to 18 years of age), parents, and caregivers involved in virtual supervised family time/visitsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Parents of children - birth through adolescenceScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents of children (aged 0-18) of whom custody has been taken by the State, with a drug or alcohol problem ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Reunification Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Post-Reunification Services - Teaching Kids to Cope (TKC) – non-responderStudents in High School.Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Teaching-Family Model (TFM)Youth who are at-risk, juvenile delinquents, in foster care, mentally retarded/developmentally disabled, or severely emotionally disturbed; families at risk ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Team Decision Making (TDM)Caseworkers, caregivers of children 0-18 years old involved in child welfare, and their children who are mature/old enough to ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Casework Practice - Pregnant and parenting teen wards of the state between the ages of 13 and 21 years old and their children up to ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Children and young people aged 11-25Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - TF-CBT for Youth who have Experienced Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation (TF-CBT for T/CSE)Children with a known trauma and trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation (T/CSE) history who are experiencing significant posttraumatic stress ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Staff working in residential child care organizationsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Families with children ages birth to 18-years-old who are receiving co-occurring services (such as families with children in out-of-home placement ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Therapeutic Group Sessions (TGS) – non-responderPediatric fellows training in a child maltreatment programScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Prevention & Intervention Programs - Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Program – non-responderVulnerable children and their families: children in foster care and children involved in high-risk custody and visitation cases in family ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - Those working with juvenile justice system-involved youth which can include juvenile correctional or probation officers, youth care workers, teachers, social ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Young adult mothers with mental health needs and their childrenScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Children and adolescents with trauma or anxiety or depression related symptoms; intervention also used with adultsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Treatment foster parents and agency staffScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Children and adolescents ages 11-14Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Toward Equity: A Training Curriculum for Understanding SOGIE – non-responderJuvenile justice professionalsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Mental health clinicians and child welfare professionals working with adopted children and youth, birth families, and families formed through adoptionScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Youth and young adults (14-29 years old) with, or at risk of, emotional/behavioral difficulties (EBD) [e.g., severe mental ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mentoring Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Youth ages 10-18 with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Trauma Informed PS - MAPP (TIPS-MAPP)Prospective foster and adoptive families in both public and private agenciesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Adults with severe childhood trauma and complex comorbidity; program has been used for other mental health disorders as well.Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Sexually abused children and adolescents and children and adolescents who have sexual behavior problems or manifest sexually abusive behavior including ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Adolescents) - Women who have a history of sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse and can have severe mental health problems and ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment (Adult) - Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)Children and adolescents who have experienced trauma and their parents/caregiversScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Trauma Systems Therapy (TST)The combination of a traumatized child/adolescent who, when exposed to trauma reminders, has difficulty regulating their emotions and behavior ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - System-Level Programs (Child & Adolescent) - Trauma Systems Therapy–Foster Care (TST-FC)Resource and birth parents of youth aged birth-21and child welfare casework staff who work with those youthScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Children with a known trauma history who are experiencing significant posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, whether or not they meet ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Trauma-Focused Coping (TFC)Children and adolescents in schools who have suffered a traumatic exposure (e.g., disaster, violence, murder, suicide, fire, accidents)Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Young sexually abused children who may be victims of other forms of trauma as well, including physical abuse, neglect, witnessing ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adolescent males or females aged 12-20 from a broad spectrum of socioeconomic, religious, cultural and ethnic groups who have been ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Foster parents, or potential foster parents, of children and youth age 0-21 years who have experienced complex trauma or neglect ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Resource Parent Programs - Children/youth ages 6 to 17 (up until their 18th birthday) diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with behavioral and/or complex ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Boys and girls, 12-17 years old, with severe delinquency and/or severe emotional and behavioral disorders who were in need ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Preschool foster children aged 3-6 years old who exhibit a high level of disruptive and antisocial behavior which cannot be ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Resource Parent Programs
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Foster youth living in out of home care, Pre-K through 12th gradesScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Educational Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Child Welfare - Trevor Project - Trainings for Youth-Serving Professionals, The – non-responderAdults who want to be an adult ally for LGBTQ youthScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - State child welfare social workers and agencies serving Native American youth in child welfare, Native American children and families, and ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Child Welfare Workforce Development and Support Programs - Triple P - Positive Parenting Program - Level 4® (Level 4 Triple P)For parents and caregivers of children and adolescents from birth to 12 years old with moderate to severe behavioral and/or ...Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 1 — Well-Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Parents or caregivers of children ages 0-12 years with mild-moderate emotional and behavioral concernsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Triple P - Positive Parenting Program® - Level 3 Primary Care (Level 3 Triple P Primary)Parents or caregivers of children ages 0-12 years with mild-moderate emotional and behavioral concernsScientific Rating: 4 — Evidence Fails to Demonstrate Effect
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Triple P - Positive Parenting Program® System (System Triple P)For parents and caregivers of children from birth to age 16Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - All parents or caregivers of children ages 0-12 yearsScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® - Level 2 Selected Seminar Series (Selected Seminars Triple P)Parents or caregivers of children aged 0-12 yearsScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Caregivers (including birth parents, resource parents, and residential direct care staff) of children, youth, and young adults (0-25) who are ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Parents (e.g., birth parents, foster parents, kinship parents, adoptive parents, etc.) and caregivers of children who have histories of ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Children and adolescents from 1 to 18 years of age who experience attachment disturbances due to maltreatment, abuse, neglect, multiple home placements, ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Attachment Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Tuning in to Kids (TIK)Parents and caregivers of children with disruptive behavior between 3 and 12 years of age; can be used with parents and caregivers ...Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Disruptive Behavior Treatment (Child & Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Tuning in to Teens™ (TINT)Parents and caregivers of children and adolescents aged 10-18 years.Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Parent Training Programs that Address Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents - Undoing Racism® – non-responderEmployees of organizations that work with people who are a different race or ethnicityScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Reducing Racial Disparity and Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Programs - Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Adolescents (UP-A) – non-responderAdolescents with emotional disordersScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Children (UP-C) – non-responderChildren diagnosed with anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive, depression, and related emotional disordersScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Multiproblem Approaches (Child & Adolescent) - Parents whose child(ren) are living in foster care and see them only during visitsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Visitation Programs - School- and justice-referred girls ages 12-17Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Females 12 - 24 years old with substance abuse and/or traumaScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Trauma Treatment - Client-Level Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Watch, Wait, and Wonder (WWW) – non-responderParents and their children who are experiencing relational and developmental difficultiesScientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (Birth to 5) - Children ages 4-7+ with social learning differences who are considered neurodivergent, including autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioral diagnoses, and/...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorder Interventions (Child & Adolescent) - Adults dealing with anger mismanagement issues; court or employer-ordered and self-referrals; program has also been used with adolescents and couples ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Anger Management Treatment (Adult) - Children from 5 to 12 years of age who have been identified by any number of sources for exhibiting inappropriate sexual behavior ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Children) - Who Do You Tell?™ – non-responderChildren from kindergarten to grade 6Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Primary) Programs - WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach (WPW RP Approach)Parents (biological, foster, or adoptive) who are raising children who have experienced significant traumaScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Alternatives to Long-Term Residential Care Programs - Women and teenage girls with addictive disordersScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adolescent)
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Treatment (Adult) - Individuals with a background in working with families including, but not limited to, attorneys, social workers, nurses, health care professionals, ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Working with Parents with Cognitive Disabilities: Programs - Adolescents/young adults ages 14-26 with a history of child welfare, juvenile justice involvement, or housing instability/homelessnessScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Designed for children and youth with severe emotional, behavioral, or mental health difficulties and their families where the child/youth ...Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Placement Stabilization Programs
Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Behavioral Management Programs for Adolescents in Child Welfare - Male and female adolescents in grades 6-12 who may come from disadvantaged circumstancesScientific Rating: 2 — Supported by Research Evidence
Topic: Teen Pregnancy Services - Adolescents in grades 9-12Scientific Rating: 3 — Promising Research Evidence
Topic: Mental Health Prevention and/or Early Intervention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - Anyone who has experienced domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, or sex trafficking and their affected children ages 5 ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Services for Victims and their Children
Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims - Youth in the system, ages 9 to 19 years, and the social workers and foster parents who care for themScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Digital Mental Health Interventions (Youth/Young Adult) - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ) and gender expansive children and youth ages 3-21 years old who are involved in ...Scientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Supporting Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Programs - Adolescents 12-17 years oldScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs - YouthBuild – non-responderLow-income young people who need assistance obtaining their high school diploma or equivalency credentials and job skillsScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Youth Transitioning Into Adulthood Programs - Girls ages 12-17 who are deemed high risk for child sex trafficking involvementScientific Rating: NR — Not able to be Rated
Topic: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Services for Victims