Limitations & Disclosures
Conflict of Interest:
Unless otherwise clearly stated, Rady Children's Hospital and Health Center and the individual staff and Scientific Panel members involved in the review process do not have a financial interest in the development or dissemination of any specific model listed on the CEBC website.
Limitations of the Review Process:
CEBC reviewers are not conducting a meta-analysis or systematic review.
Typically, the CEBC staff and consultants review all available research and related literature focused on the targeted program and topic area outcomes. For models which have been the focus of extensive study and have multiple published studies, we review a sample of the 10 published research study articles that are most relevant top the topic area being examined and the CEBC rating criteria. All articles reviewed by the CEBC are summarized in the reference section.
The CEBC review and rating is based on a point in time literature search. As such, studies published after the review and rating was conducted may not be included. Rated models will be updated periodically, and the most recent review date will be listed under the 'Date Research Evidence Last Reviewed by CEBC' at the bottom of the program page. Programs are able to submit new published research for re-review at any time.
Assessment of Research Methodology:
The reviewers are not imposing their own standards of methodological acceptance in rating a model. As peer-reviewed publications typically assess the appropriateness of sampling techniques, research design elements, and the selection of statistical measures, the CEBC will defer to that process to provide a measure of methodological quality control. The Scientific Director shall be the final authority on any research methodology judgments, with input from the Scientific Panels and external consultants as needed.