Promoting First Relationships (PFR)
Pre-Implementation Materials
There are pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for Promoting First Relationships (PFR) as listed below:
PFR partnered with the Washington State Children's Administration to develop a Readiness Assessment that helps evaluate an agency's, as well as a provider's, readiness to begin training in the program. PFR also has an inquiry packet with additional pre-implementation information. Please contact the program representative listed at the bottom of the page for copies of these documents.
Formal Support for Implementation
There is formal support available for implementation of Promoting First Relationships (PFR) as listed below:
Following training, PFR offers optional technical assistance sessions to support organizations or individuals’ implementation of the program at their site. These sessions are conducted via video conference in order to support program fidelity and to provide site-specific guidance to providers and leadership. There are also established fidelity measures that the agency has access to, in order to help ensure fidelity to the model. Additionally, small group monthly reflective consultation is available to support providers as they implement PFR with the caregiver–child dyads with which they work.
Fidelity Measures
There are fidelity measures for Promoting First Relationships (PFR) as listed below:
Providers video record a PFR session with a caregiver–child dyad that they are working with and submit this for fidelity. These recordings are scored by PFR master trainers using two fidelity measurements:
- Video Feedback Fidelity form - measures provider's use of the PFR consultation strategies while viewing the caregiver–child interaction video with the caregiver/parent.
- Whole Session Fidelity form – rates provider's whole session using 20 different categories. The session is also rated on 6 additional items that are to be avoided during the session.
Providers are required to pass these fidelity measures annually in order to keep their PFR certification. Master Trainers can train experienced individuals at an agency in how to use the fidelity measures. The program representative listed at the bottom of the page can be contacted for more information about these fidelity measures.
Implementation Guides or Manuals
There are implementation guides or manuals for Promoting First Relationships (PFR) as listed below:
PFR has a Best Practices document and Implementation Guidelines to support agencies in implementing the program within their organization. Please contact the program representative listed at the bottom of the page to obtain copies.
Research on How to Implement the Program
Research has been conducted on how to implement Promoting First Relationships (PFR) as listed below:
Han, M., Hallam, R., Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., & Gaviria-Loalza, J. (2016). Lessons from training early head start staff to implement an evidence-based parenting intervention. Dialog, 19(3), 42-59.
Oxford, M., Booth-LaForce, C., Echo-Hawk, A., Madesclaire, O., Parrish, L., Widner, M., Petras, A., Abrahamson-Richards, T., Nelson, K., Buchwald, D., & the CATCH Project Team. (2020). Promoting First Relationships®: Implementing a home visiting research program in two American Indian communities. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 52(2), 149–156.
Oxford M. L., Spieker, S. J., Lohr, M. J., Fleming, C. B., Dillon, C., & Rees, J. (2017). Ensuring implementation fidelity of a 10-week home visiting program in two randomized clinical trials. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(3), 376–383.