Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Pre-Implementation Materials
There are pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for Parents as Teachers (PAT) as listed below:
Prior to sending home visitors to attend a training, new organizations must complete an Affiliate Plan that details their implementation plan. Information on how to start and implement a program is available in the Quality Assurance Guidelines posted at
Formal Support for Implementation
There is formal support available for implementation of Parents as Teachers (PAT) as listed below:
The PAT National Center provides ongoing technical assistance to any organization who is implementing the Parents as Teachers model and requests assistance. Each state is assigned a National Center technical assistance provider who provides statewide information as well as one-on-one work with the programs. Technical assistance is provided on a variety of topics with a focus on meeting the 17 Parents as Teachers essential requirements. These essential requirements focus on staffing and staff oversight, visit frequency, delivering home visits, using the require forms, screenings and participating in model fidelity reviews. The National Center also provides technical assistance to those programs using the Penelope database.
Fidelity Measures
There are fidelity measures for Parents as Teachers (PAT) as listed below:
To help achieve fidelity to the PAT model, the PAT National Center requires that affiliates provide annual data on their fidelity to the program model through an Affiliate Performance Report. In addition, affiliates are expected to participate in the affiliate quality endorsement and improvement process in their fourth year of implementation and every fifth year thereafter.
Implementation Guides or Manuals
There are implementation guides or manuals for Parents as Teachers (PAT) as listed below:
The Parents as Teachers Quality Standards are comprised of 20 essential requirements and 81 additional standards for high quality implementation. Parents as Teachers also provides the Quality Assurance (QA) Guidelines to assist organizations in understanding the expectations for model implementation. The QA Guidelines incorporate information that supports the implementation the Parents as Teachers quality standards. Finally, staff members attending Model Implementation training are also provided with the Model Implementation Guide which provides additional resources for model implementation. The Data in Motion manual helps affiliates to understand how, when and why to collect data and encourages them to use data to improve their programs and services.
Research on How to Implement the Program
Research has not been conducted on how to implement Parents as Teachers (PAT).