On the Way Home (OTWH)
Pre-Implementation Materials
There are pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for On the Way Home (OTWH) as listed below:
Pre-implementation materials include an On the Way Home (OTWH) Organizational Readiness Questionnaire. This instrument aids in determining readiness and fit to implement OTWH. Information gathered includes: Program/Organizational Structure; Staff Development/Retention/Evaluation; Consumer and Employee Safety; Educational Services and Partnerships; and Consumer Satisfaction and Outcomes.
Formal Support for Implementation
There is formal support available for implementation of On the Way Home (OTWH) as listed below:
Formal support includes consultant and supervisor training, web-based consultation, on-site visits, data analysis, and licensing and re-licensing. Web-based consultation includes review of model implementation using a web-based platform (LOOMIS – Linking Organizational Outcomes and Measures to Implementation Science) designed for supervisors and consultants trained in the use of OTWH to facilitate exchange of client-based information and data that helps ensure adherence to the OTWH program fidelity and monitoring of program outcomes.
Fidelity Measures
There are fidelity measures for On the Way Home (OTWH) as listed below:
OTWH has an accompanying Model Fidelity Instrument developed to assess the quality of implementation of the OTWH program. This tool provides a mechanism for organizing a Supervisor's observations of staff and comparing their performances to an objective standard. The Model Fidelity Instrument is on a Boys Town resource website available to all Boys Town employees. It will also be available to other agencies which are trained to implement the program. The instrument consists of four sections: Parent/Family Support (13 items); School Support (5 items); Homework Support (3 items); and Documentation Review (4 items). Evaluators/supervisors use observation data to score items on a five-point scale (1– Incorrect, 2– Below Average, 3– Average, 4– Above Average, 5– Excellent) according to definitions. Language in the definitions is consistent with the OTWH training. Additional training is not required to use the Model Fidelity Instrument. For more information, contact the training contact above.
Implementation Guides or Manuals
There are implementation guides or manuals for On the Way Home (OTWH) as listed below:
During a one-week workshop, OTWH Consultants are provided with an OTWH program manual. The On the Way Home Program Manual consists of 7 chapters (Introduction to On the Way Home, Initiating Agency and Family Partnerships, Family Support, School Support, Homework Support, Data Collection and Review, Completing the Program and appendices which include supplemental documents, checklists, intervention menus, and forms).
As part of the training for the Common Sense Parenting component, OTWH Consultants receive an OTWH Parenting Skills Instructional Guide, an OTWH Parenting Skills Participant Workbook, a Common Sense Parenting text book, and a flash drive with support materials. These materials provide all of the implementation information required for the parent training component. For more information, contact the training contact above.
Research on How to Implement the Program
Research has been conducted on how to implement On the Way Home (OTWH) as listed below:
Trout, A. L., Jansz, C., Epstein, M. H., & Tyler, P. (2013). Evaluating service delivery in aftercare for school-aged youth departing out-of-home care. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 7, 142–153. https://doi.org/10.1080/15548732.2013.779356