Family Check-Up (FCU)
Pre-Implementation Materials
There are no pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for Family Check-Up (FCU).
Formal Support for Implementation
There is formal support available for implementation of Family Check-Up (FCU) as listed below:
The REACH (Research and Education Advancing Children's Health) Institute was created at Arizona State University to provide the needed technical assistance and support to sites implementing the FCU. Doctoral and MA-level clinicians who are experts in the model provide ongoing consultation and supervision, which can include:
- Review of videotape intervention sessions using an empirically validated measure of fidelity and competence to rate providers' delivery of the model
- Weekly individual meetings
- Assistance with integrating assessment data to develop a case conceptualization, complete a Family Feedback Form, and create a data-driven menu of follow-up services
Systematic monitoring of clinical and implementation outcomes with feedback is also offered to sites, providers, and families using an online system and digital platform that can be adapted to the individual needs of implementation sites.
An online system to facilitate coding of the family interaction task is also available. Additionally, there is a HIPAA-compliant online portal for uploading videos of intervention sessions to have a consultant/clinical supervisor review and help score family interaction tasks.
A password-protected, secure web-based system and digital platform for both survey data collection and for monitoring implementation and clinical outcomes is available. This system can be accessed by providers, supervisors, consultants, FCU Implementation team members, or administrators to enter data on implementation or outcomes and to get reports on these data. This system, which can be accessed via any web-enabled device, can also be used to complete the child and family assessment questionnaires.
Fidelity Measures
There are fidelity measures for Family Check-Up (FCU) as listed below:
The COACH rating form is used to assess provider fidelity to the model and quality of implementation. The COACH assesses the provider on 6 dimensions:
- Conceptually accurate in the model
- Observant and responsive to family's context and needs
- Active in structuring sessions to optimize effectiveness
- Careful when teaching and providing corrective feedback
- Hope and motivation
- Client engagement
Providers are trained in the use of the COACH as part of the FCU training. Providers can use the COACH to self-monitor their delivery of the model and prevent program drift. A detailed manual for using the COACH is given to all providers and supervisors at training.
Coaching and training is available to onsite supervisors so they can become reliable using the COACH and certified as supervisors to promote FCU sustainability at the implementation site.
Please contact the program representative listed at the end of this entry for more information and copies of these assessments.
Implementation Guides or Manuals
There are implementation guides or manuals for Family Check-Up (FCU) as listed below:
All implementation materials are available on FCU's website under the Resources tab, which is accessible to all participants in FCU's training programs.
There are manuals for both the FCU and the associated Everyday Parenting program. The Everyday Parenting manual is publicly available for purchase ( The FCU manual is given to participants in the FCU training workshops and online learning programs.
Instructional videos demonstrating expert providers delivering components of the model are available on the FCU website.
As part of training in the FCU, providers receive online access to all materials needed for implementing the FCU.
Research on How to Implement the Program
Research has been conducted on how to implement Family Check-Up (FCU) as listed below:
- Smith, J. D., Dishion, T. J., Moore, K. J., Shaw, D. S., & Wilson, M. N. (2013). Video feedback in the Family Check-Up: Indirect effects on observed parent–child coercive interactions. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 42(3), 405-417.
- Smith, J. D., Stormshak, E. A., & Kavanagh, K. (2015). Results of a pragmatic effectiveness implementation hybrid trial of the Family Check-Up in community mental health agencies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(3), 265-278.
- Spirito, A., Sindelar-Manning, H., Colby, S. M., Barnett, N. P., Lewander, W., Rohsenow, D. J., & Monti, P. M. (2011). Individual and family motivational interventions for alcohol-positive adolescents treated in an emergency department: results of a randomized clinical trial. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 165(3), 269-274.