Family Centered Treatment (FCT)

Scientific Rating:
Promising Research Evidence
See scale of 1-5

Additional Implementation Resources

Since this program Family Centered Treatment (FCT) was highly rated on the Scientific Rating Scale, program representatives were asked to provide additional implementation information.

Pre-Implementation Materials

There are pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for Family Centered Treatment (FCT) as listed below:

Family Centered Treatment Foundation (FTCF) provides a Readiness Assessment for applicant agencies upon written request to become a provider of the Family Centered Treatment and after preliminary discussions related to program size, scope, location, mission, agency culture, intent, etc. The Readiness Assessment is designed to evaluate the applicant agency’s capacity to implement the components necessary for the provision of FCT. Within each step of the Readiness Assessment are specific components required for review. The FCT Readiness Assessment Matrix was developed in consultation with the National Implementation Resource Network. There are feedback loops built into the process so that information and data is not only collected, but also cycled back into the program for quality improvement.

The Readiness Assessment Matrix (RAM) is a tool designed to measure a program’s pre-readiness for FCT. Several meetings are conducted prior to the Readiness Assessment meeting (where this tool is completed). The RAM is used to get a baseline for readiness and identify specific readiness strengths and areas of growth. The RAM is used to develop a Readiness Assessment Report.

The RAM Goals and Strategies Worksheet is a document used to develop and monitor initial implementation goals and strategies derived from the RAM. This is also an exercise to train new providers how data is used to develop goals and strategies. This information is woven into the Weekly Implementation Meetings (see Formal Support for Implementation section for more information).

The pre-implementation materials are available on the FCT website at or via request through training contact above.

Formal Support for Implementation

There is formal support available for implementation of Family Centered Treatment (FCT) as listed below:

Family Centered Treatment Foundation (FCTF) provides onsite and web-based direction, technical assistance, formal coaching, consultation, oversight/monitoring for implementation. It also provides adherence verification for provider agencies. Upon FCT licensure, the FCTF trains organizations not only on the clinical model but also on the effective use and assessment of implementation tools. Various assessments and tracking mechanisms are incorporated to ensure that organizational development around the model occurs as this is as important as the clinical approach itself (Co-Occurring Process).

Upon licensure as an FCT organization, the Family Centered Treatment Foundation will guide the organization through the stages of implementation. This process encompasses the general timelines, stages of implementation, tools for use, and other considerations. Achieving full implementation or sustainability often takes time/years to attain, although the timeline is different for each organization.

Tools and trackers are utilized at specified intervals but are tuned to the development level of the organization. There are feedback loops built into the process so that information and data is not only collected, but also cycled back into the program for quality improvement.

  • Weekly Implementation Meetings are the engine that drives implementation. This is a multifunction meeting between provider organizations and FCTF. Frequency is dependent upon Degree of Implementation.
  • There are two versions of the Implementation Driver Assessment (IDA), the initial IDA is used during the first 12–18 months of implementation and the Emergent IDA is used after 18 months. The data from the IDAs are used to develop the FCT Implementation Tool (FIT), which is a fluid document used to create and monitor implementation goals and strategies. IDAs/FITs are completed every 6 months and are woven into the Weekly Implementation Meetings every 3 months or as needed. FCTF staff present IDAs/FITs to their team for support, feedback, and accountability.
  • Licensure Implementation Report (LIR) is an annual document developed by FCTF staff that reviews all implementation, training, performance measures, outcomes, fidelity, stakeholder relationships, systems issues, etc. This comprehensive report summarizes all work completed over the past year, provides an implementation status and recommendations to address areas of growth (weaknesses). It also includes practitioner and stakeholder surveys.

Team or Team Primacy is an integral component to FCT. The effectiveness of a program is dependent on a program developing a high performing team. FCT teams are built on the principles of Team Development and Peer Supervision. The following are the tools and processes used to implement the FCT Team model.

  • Team Development Diagnosis Tool is used by FCTF consultants and FCT program supervisors to measure team behaviors at the team and individual levels.
  • Peer Professional Development is used to activate the peer supervision process toward individual practitioner development.

For additional information, questions or support please contact Jon McDuffie, Implementation Director FCTF,

Fidelity Measures

There are fidelity measures for Family Centered Treatment (FCT) as listed below:

FCT fidelity and adherence is determined through numerous objective measures covering training, treatment intensity adherence, core treatment component completion and implementation driver metrics.

The FCT adherence measures that gauge fidelity to the model are produced during the treatment process for each client and utilize actual written records that become file documents. The activities that enable the production of the individual written record (adherence measure) cannot occur without the corresponding progression in treatment. All of the measures, except for the case review instrument (MIGS), involve client participation and are FCT phase of treatment specific. Because the measures are phase of treatment specific, they are indicators of progress and serve as quantification of the degree to which the model has been adhered.

FCT staff are only permitted to implement the adherence measures after successful completion of the training pertaining to the specific phases and the measures involved in the phase. Each staff is observed and determined as competent before they can implement or perform the measure alone.

Program developer can be contacted for additional information fidelity measure information and a Program Design and Implementation Guide.

Implementation Guides or Manuals

There are implementation guides or manuals for Family Centered Treatment (FCT) as listed below:

There is a Program Design and Implementation Guide. The purpose of this guide is to assist providers in learning about the history, purpose, and method of implementing the FCT model. It is comprised of the following content areas:

  • Program Design & Implementation
  • History
  • FCT Program Implementation Considerations
  • FCT Program Development Process
  • Readiness Assessment
  • FCT Training
  • FCT Supervision
  • Monitoring & Adherence to Fidelity and Treatment Intensity
  • Outcome Evaluation and Research
  • Implementation Process
  • Implementation Drivers-Implementation Tool-KPIs-Licensure Reports
  • FCT Certification and Licensure Process

Research on How to Implement the Program

Research has been conducted on how to implement Family Centered Treatment (FCT) as listed below:

Muniute, E. I., & Alfred, M. V. (2007, Feb.). Team Primacy Concept (TPC) based employee evaluation and job performance. Paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development International Research Conference in The Americas (Indianapolis, IN).