Coping Cat

Scientific Rating:
Well-Supported by Research Evidence
See scale of 1-5

Additional Implementation Resources

Since this program Coping Cat was highly rated on the Scientific Rating Scale, program representatives were asked to provide additional implementation information.

Pre-Implementation Materials

There are no pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for Coping Cat.

Formal Support for Implementation

There is formal support available for implementation of Coping Cat as listed below:

Supervisory phone consultation is available.

Fidelity Measures

There are fidelity measures for Coping Cat as listed below:

The therapist manual describes session-by-session content. Each session's description begins with the goals/targets for that session. When checking on fidelity, tapes of sessions are listened to in order to check that the goals/targets for the session were addressed. Although they require a person familiar with the model, there are forms that can be used to assess fidelity when listening to the session. The fidelity form also has places for the supervisor to rate the therapist on several dimensions. The form is not publicly available.

Implementation Guides or Manuals

There are implementation guides or manuals for Coping Cat as listed below:

Therapist treatment manual is available. It can be purchased at

Research on How to Implement the Program

Research has been conducted on how to implement Coping Cat as listed below:

  • Podell, J. L., Kendall, P. C., Gosch, E. A., Compton, S. N., March, J. S., Albano, A.-M., Rynn, M. A., Walkup, J. T., Sherrill, J. T., Ginsburg, G. S., Keeton, C. P., Birmaher, B., & Piacentini, J. C. (2013). Therapist factors and outcomes in CBT for anxiety in youth. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44(2), 89–98.
  • Schoenwald, S. K., Mehta, T. G., Frazier, S. L., & Shernoff, E. S. (2013). Clinical supervision in effectiveness and implementation research. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 20(1), 44-59.