CEBC Webinars
The CEBC collaborates with our partner project, California Training Institute (CalTrin), to deliver professional development and extended learning opportunities that focus on evidence-based solutions to issues that span both child abuse prevention and child welfare. CEBC webinars can be accessed below or on the CEBC YouTube channel. Sign up for the monthly CEBC email alerts to receive announcements for upcoming CEBC webinars.
Upcoming Webinars
View all upcoming CalTrin webinars and workshops.
- Learning to Talk about Anti-Asian Racism - February 21, 9 - 11 AM
- Research & Practice Innovations in Healing Interpersonal & Racial Trauma for Black Youth & Families - February 25, 10:30 Am - Noon
- Protective Factor Series
- Advanced Protective Factors trainings
Recorded CEBC Hosted Webinars.
- Adapting Evidence-Based Practices to Meet Your Community’s Needs (August 2024)
- Review of Well-Supported Programs on the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse (April 2022)
- Fidelity and Adaptation in Evidence-Based Practices: The KEEP Experience (November 2021)
- Our Most Challenging Clients: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Child Welfare (October 2021)
- Eradicating Racism and Bias in Child Welfare, Part 2: Strengthening Families Using Community-Oriented Strategies (April 2021)
- Eradicating Racism and Bias in Child Welfare, Part 1: Strengthening Families Using a Racial Equity Lens (March 2021)
- Child Welfare and Evidence Registries: Comparative analysis of the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse, California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse, and Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development (January 2021 - Conference Presentation)
- Choose Wisely: Practical, Effective Tools to Select and Implement New EBPs (October 2020)
- Addressing FFPSA Requirements: Tools for Selection and Sustainable Implementation of Evidence-Supported Programs (September 2020)
- Race and Equity in Child- and Family-Serving Systems (June 2020)
- Minding the Implementation Gap: Variability in Fidelity Measurement and Pre-implementation Supports within Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments (May 2020)
- Working with Gender-Expansive and Transgender Children (March 2020)
- Compassion Fatigue/ Secondary Traumatic Stress: This Is Hard, This Work That We Do, AND We Are Making A Difference (January 2020)
- Keeping the Intervention Going: Planning & Maintaining Long-Term Sustainability (May 2019)
- Improving Outcomes for Crossover Youth: Spreading Lessons Learned from Implementation of the Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) (August 2018)
- Opioids, Marijuana, and Child Protection: Legal Considerations of Recent Developments (February 2018)
- Trauma-Informed Mental Health Assessment Process (TI-MHAP) Webinar (November 2017)
- Maximizing Impact: Implementing Medicaid-Reimbursed EBPs in Child Welfare (September 2017)
- Implementation of California's Continuum of Care Reform: Using the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse to Identify & Support New Core Service Programs (June 2017)
- Leadership and Organizational Change for Implementation (March 2017)
- Sustainment of Prevention Programs and Initiatives (February 2017)
- Evidence-Based Practices Supporting Youth in their Transition into Adulthood (June 2016)
- Reducing the Use of Psychotropic Medications through Increased Use of Evidence-Based Practices for Children and Youth in Foster Care (March 2016)
- Screening and Assessment in Child Welfare: Using the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse's Measurement Tools Section (October 2015)
- Using the CEBC Selection and Implementation Guide: How to Apply the Guide to Common Situations in Child Welfare - Part 2 (May 2015)
- Using the CEBC Selection and Implementation Guide: How to Apply the Guide to Common Situations in Child Welfare - Part 1 (March 2015)
- Teaching Students How to Use the CEBC (November 2014)
- Looking Beyond the Numbers (June 2014)
- Treatment for Trauma-Exposed Adults (April 2014)
- Assessing Evidence-Based Practices in Child Welfare: A Benefit-Cost Approach (November 2013)
- "So Much Trauma, So Many Interventions: How Do We Choose?" Part 2 (June 2013)
- "So Much Trauma, So Many Interventions: How Do We Choose?" Part 1 (May 2013)
- Integrating Evidence-Based Practice into Strategic Planning: Building an Evidence-Based Continuum of Services (March 2013)
- Parenting Programs for Children Birth-8: What is the Evidence and What Seem to be the Common Components? (December 2012)
- Approaches and Outcomes for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Child Welfare (May 2012)
- Evidence-Based Treatments (EBTs) for Ethnic Minority Youth: What We Know and What We Don't Know (February 2012)
- Knowing the Best of What's Out There: Understanding and Identifying Evidence-Based Practices in Child Welfare (November 2011)
*The content of the presentations listed on this page reflects the thinking of the presenters. They do not necessarily represent official policy or positions of the sponsor.