Family Development Matrix (FDM)
Description / Purpose:
The Family Development Matrix provides an assessment of family conditions across a core set of status level indicators, which are identified and determined by the agency using the measure.
The Family Development Matrix (FDM) assessment and case management system is a decision support tool providing a strength-based family assessment. It's an intervention delivery system with a standardized database for case management and outcomes evaluation used with family support networks. FDM outcome measures and protocol practices, together with training support, facilitates risk and safety assessments, strengthens linkages with child welfare differential response, early education, public health, mental health and other community partnerships. Together with the family member(s), the agency staff a) conduct an assessment of family conditions across a core set of status level indicators; b) with a database analysis they identify and discuss family strengths and issues of concern; c) Integration of interventions from research and local programs helps create the development of family-directed empowerment goals with roles for both worker and family; and e) the database tracks worker case management and family participation. Family change reports are analyzed through subsequent assessments providing information for outcome evaluation.
Target Population: Parents with children, referrals from child welfare, clients of family resource centers
Time to Administer: Approximately one hour for the initial assessment and less than an hour for subsequent assessments
Completed By: The family support worker
Modalities Available: Print and online
Scoring Information: Assessment and case management forms are already developed. Collaborative design teams determine protocols, codes for data entry. Access to computer internet the FDM database for entry and retrieval of information and reports.
Languages Available: Chinese, English, Spanish, Vietnamese
Training Requirements for Intended Users: FDM can be used by para-professionals as well as licensed professionals. On-site and webinar training for staff. Database has all case management forms and videos for staff training in it.
Availability: Matrix Outcomes Model, LLC contracts with agencies. License fees are determined based on scope of application and training requirements.
Contact Information
- Company: Matrix Outcomes Model, LLC
- Website:
- Name: Jerry Endres, MSW
- Email:
- Phone: (530) 938-3867
Summary of Relevant Psychometric Research
This tool has been reviewed and it was determined that this tool lacks the type of published, peer-reviewed research that meets the CEBC criteria for a Measurement Tools Rating of A, B or C. Therefore, the tool has been given the classification of "NR – Not able to be Rated." It was reviewed because it was identified as being used in the field, or it is being marketed and/or used in California with children receiving services from child welfare or related systems and their parents/caregivers. For more information on the "NR – Not able to be Rated" classification, please see the Measurement Tools Rating Scale.
Navarro, I. A., Richardson, B., Endres, J., Ling, R., Arevalo, Z., & McGrath, S. (2022). Strengths-based case management. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 17(3), 628–646.
Participants — N=1442
Race/Ethnicity — Not Specified
This paper provides evidence of the impact of implementing the Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP), combined with the Family Development Matrix (FDM). Using a Pre-Post comparison design, data from the First 5 San Bernardino program were analyzed for the years 2012–2017. NPP outcome measures from the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI) improved substantially after the FDM was implemented. Psychometrics of the FDM were not reported.
Date Reviewed: May 2023 (Originally reviewed in February 2015)