Child Exposure to Domestic Violence Scale (CEDV)

Assessment Rating:
B – Psychometrics Demonstrated
See entire scale

Jeffrey L. Edleson, PhD

Description / Purpose:

The CEDV measures the level of exposure to domestic violence that a child may have experienced

Note: The CEDV was not responsive to the CEBC's inquiry. The following information was obtained from publicly available sources.

The CEDV was designed to measure the extent to which children have been exposed to domestic violence. The measure includes items and subscales aimed at assessing the level of exposure to violence at home and in the community; the child's exposure to and involvement in the situation; presence of risk factors; and exposure to other types of victimization.

Target Population: 10 to 16-year-old children who may have been exposed to domestic violence.

Time to Administer: Approximately 30 minutes.

Completed By: Self-report by children.

Modalities Available: Print.

Scoring Information: Instructions on how to score the CEDV are provided in the manual which is available in pdf format at

Languages Available: English

Training Requirements for Intended Users: No specific degree requirement or training is recommended for users.

Availability: The CEDV is available for free in pdf format at

Contact Information

Company: Berkeley Social Welfare, University of California
Name: Jeffrey L. Edleson, PhD
Phone: (510) 643-6664

Summary of Relevant Psychometric Research

This tool has received the Measurement Tools Rating of "B – Psychometrics Demonstrated" based on the published, peer-reviewed research available. The tool must have 1 published, peer-reviewed study that has established the measure’s psychometrics (e.g., reliability and validity, sensitivity and specificity, etc.). Please see the Measurement Tools Rating Scale for more information.

Edleson, J. L., Shin, N., & Johnson Armendariz, K. K. (2007). Measuring children's exposure to domestic violence: The development and testing of the Child Exposure to Domestic Violence (CEDV) Scale. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 502-521.


Participants — 65 children, ages 10-16, receiving services from domestic abuse shelters.

Race/Ethnicity — 30.8% Caucasian, 30.8% African American, 9.2% Unsure, 7% Asian or Pacific Islander, 6.2% multi-racial, 6.2% Native American, and 1.5% no response.


Items for the CEDV were developed using a review of existing surveys and interview guides relevant to domestic violence. The assembled items were then evaluated for inclusion in the final measure by an international panel of judges who were experts in the area of children's exposure to domestic violence. Participants in the current study completed the CEDV and the Things I've Heard and Seen (TISH) questionnaire, which was also developed to measure children's exposure to domestic and community violence. A week later the CEDV was re-administered as a check on test-retest reliability. Results showed significant positive correlations between TISH and CEDV scores on both domestic and community violence, suggesting that the two measures are tapping similar experiences. The CEDV showed good test-retest reliability between the first and second administrations. This study is limited by a small sample size.

Date Reviewed: February 2015 (Originally reviewed in January 2010)